

Research on the Lacquer Boxes with Swirled-tri-Cloud and Phoenix Pattern Decoration——Case Studies of the Lacquer Boxes Excavated from the Mawangdui Han Tomb
摘要 旋涡三云凤纹,一种从战国中期至西汉中期从未间断过的漆盒纹样。其源头可追溯到西周青铜器卷体凤鸟纹、春秋晚期漆盘旋涡三鸟纹,也是战国楚墓和秦墓常见漆器图案,它的兴起与其所反映的宗教含义有关。秦昭襄王时期,秦工官融合和创新了一种旋涡三云鸟纹漆盒样式,反映了华夏文明多元一体的文化特征。随着秦帝国扩张与统一进程,其影响延及秦占领的巴蜀和江汉地区官营制品。汉初“成都市府”官营漆盒制造自然承继了这一传统并加以改进,尤以马王堆汉墓所出最为经典。随后,该纹样的变体还在西汉中期漆盘上流行,见于湖南、江苏地区出土诸侯王高级贵族墓中,为诸侯国工官造。其影响还导致了西汉晚期工官造旋涡三云兽纹漆盘的产生,见于边陲和扬州一带出土中小型贵族墓中。故此,本文拟对该漆盒流行地域、发展序列、生产流通与宗教意旨进行分析,追溯其源与流,讨论它对工官造漆器的影响,厘清它与墓主身份、制地关系问题,为辨析其年代分期、生产机构与制地等提供可靠的依据。 The swirled-tri-cloud and phoenix decoration was a commonly seen pattern on lacquerware boxes from the middle Warring States Period up to the middle Western Han Dynasty. Its origin can be traced back to the pattern of swirledphoenix on bronzes from the Western Zhou Dynasty and the swirled-tri-birds pattern on lacquerware plates from the late Spring and Autumn Period, and its popularity was closely associated with specific religious meanings. In the years of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, the court's Gongguan integrated patterns from previous dynasties and other regions into the swirled-tri-cloud and phoenix pattern, which impacted the lacquerware productions by the Qin-state-run workshops in Bashu and Jianghan areas.The pattern was further reformed by local Gongguan workshops in Chengdu during the early Han Dynasty and often combined with varied tri-dragon-phoenix and tri-animal patterns, as exemplified by the lacquerwares from the Mawangdui Han Tombs.The plates with such varying decorations were widely discovered from the tombs of vassal kings and their close family members in Hunan and Jiangsu. The variant decorations also prevailed in late Western-Han folk lacquerware, frequently found in tombs of lower nobles in Yangzhou, where Chu culture still had influence. By taking the boxes from the Mawangdui Han Tombs as a case study, this paper analyzes the prevalent sites, development sequence, and religious meanings of the swirled-tri-cloud and phoenix decoration. The paper further explores the pattern's origin, its evolution, and its relationships with the identities of tomb owners and producing sites. As such, the comprehensive study will shed light on the identification of the chronology and the production workshops and sites of different lacquerwares with four-twisted-dragon decoration.
作者 聂菲 Nie Fei
机构地区 湖南博物院
出处 《南方文物》 北大核心 2023年第6期184-198,共15页 Cultural Relics in Southern China
基金 2023年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中国古代家具艺术发展及精神内涵研究”(22JJD720001)阶段性成果 《马王堆汉墓漆器整理与研究》国家社科基金项目(08BKG006)继续研究成果。
关键词 旋涡三云凤纹漆盒 源与流 流行地域与发展序列 生产流通与制地 Boxes with the swirled-tri-cloud and phoenix decoration Origin and evolution Development sequence and prevailed areas Production workshops and sites
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