

Comparison of Breeding Situation between Xinjiang Charolais Cattle and Cultivated Varieties in Ta'e Reclamation Area
摘要 [目的]夏洛莱、安格斯、西门塔尔是新疆塔额垦区肉牛主要养殖品种,其中夏洛莱在垦区杂交改良已有50多年历史,养殖数量也最多,本文旨在比较三个肉牛品种的早期生长速度、体尺变化及规模养殖发病死亡的差异,分析不同养殖方式的适宜品种,为垦区养殖者选种和肉牛业发展提供理论和实践基础。[方法]试验选取月龄相近、数量不等、健康状况良好的夏洛莱、安格斯和西门塔尔肉牛,在相同营养水平和管理条件下饲养270天,分阶段逐个测定体重体尺、统计养殖发病和死亡情况,分析各品种间养殖情况差异。[结果]西门塔尔牛8月龄初始重、期末体重、日增重显著高于安格斯高于夏洛莱(P<0.05),体尺增长高于夏洛莱高于安格斯(P<0.05),患病死亡数量高于夏洛莱和安格斯。夏洛莱牛体重、体尺曲线分布较广,个体间差异相比其他两品种牛大,有40%的个体生长速度高于安格斯平均水平,体尺增长不亚于安格斯、西门塔尔(P>0.05),具有较大生长潜力。[结论]夏洛莱生产性能优秀尚欠整齐、抗逆性强,患病率表现稳定,适合在牧区、半牧区放牧养殖,适合在条件较差的农区半放牧补饲育肥。西门塔尔生长性能优越稳定,是规模化养殖很好的品种,农区舍饲商品化养殖生产可以有效提高料肉比和育肥肉牛的直接经济效益。 【Purposes】Charlotte,Angus,and Simmental are the primary beef cattle breeds in the Ta'e Reclamation Area.Among them,Charlotte has a history of over 50 years in hybrid improvement,and has the largest breeding population.This article compares the differences of three varieties in growth rate,changes in body size and the incidence rate in aquaculture.Analyze the suitable varieties of different methods.Provide theoretical and practical foundation for breeder selection and the development of the beef cattle industry.【Method】we choose someone with similar age,varying quantity,and good health condition in three varieties,breeding for 270 days under the same nutritional level and management conditions.Determine the various types of data with different stages,and analyze the differences between the three varieties.【Result】At 8 months,Simmental's final weight,overall weight,and daily gain were significantly higher than those of Angus and Charlotte(P<0.05).Additionally,Simmental exhibited superior growth compared to Charlotte and Angus(P<0.05).The incidence of mortality and illness was also higher in Simmental than in Charlotte and Angus.Charlotte cattle displayed a wide distribution of body weight and size,with individual differences greater than the other two breeds.Over 40%of individuals exhibited faster growth than the Angus average,with growth no less than Angus and Simmental(P>0.05),indicating significant growth potential.【Conclusion】Charlotte have excellent production performance,Strong resistance to adversity but irregular.Suitable for grazing in pastoral and semi pastoral areas,and fertilization in poor agricultural areas.Simmental has excellent and stable growth performance.It is a good breed for large-scale breeding.The commercial farming production of Simmental can effectively improve the feed efficiency and economic benefits.
作者 高攀 蒋烈戈 彭建 苏政 刘鹏 朱婷婷 赵博 蔡国宝 GAO Pan;JIANG Lie-ge;PENG Jian;SU Zheng;LIU Peng;ZHU Ting-ting;ZHAO Bo;CAI Guo-bao(Institute of Agricultural Sciences(Institute of Animal Science),the ninth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,E’min,Xinjiang 834601;Agricultural Development Center of 165,the ninth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,E’min,Xinjiang 834601)
出处 《中国牛业科学》 2023年第5期18-22,共5页 China Cattle Science
基金 新疆生产建设兵团重点领域科技攻关项目“基因分析技术在塔额垦区夏洛莱肉牛种质资源中的利用研究”(2021AB013) 新疆兵团第九师科技计划项目“九师良种肉牛核心群繁育性能测定”(2021JS002) 新疆兵团第九师科技计划项目“牛羊重要细菌性传染病的综合防治与示范”(2021JS001)。
关键词 夏洛莱 育成品种 体重 体尺 发病死亡率 charlott cultivate varieties and varieties weight size morbidity rate
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