For the function test of digital chips or digital-analog hybrid chips,the traditional C program with strong portability cannot be produced in the process of programming and testing with hardware description language on FPGA.Using SoC or MCU as the main control unit to test the signal measurement and circuit change in the process of program development is not as convenient as on FPGA.In order to verify the function of the Ethernet card IC,the flexible development and verification environment has been set up,where MicroBlaze is taken for CPU and the Ethernet card IC is taken for peripheral.Through hardware and software co-design,a flexible development and test environment is built.In this development and test environment,the driver of Ethernet card IC is implemented,and the function test of Ethernet card IC is completed.The experiment results indicate that this design and practice can be used for reference for other similar digital IC testing work.
LIU Wen-yuan;LIU Wei(Network Communication Institute of CETC)
China lntegrated Circuit