利用DC Chol制备粒径为 5 0~ 30 0nm的正电荷脂质体 ,作为乙肝疫苗 (HBsAg)的佐剂 ,免疫BALB/c小鼠后进行血清中特异性抗体IgG1及IgG2a、脾细胞产生细胞因子的检测。结果该脂质体佐剂所诱导的抗体亚类以IgG2a为主 ,脾细胞产生的IL 2、IL 5、IFN γ分别比铝佐剂组高 16 5倍、 10倍、 2倍。表明该脂质体佐剂可以诱导很强的细胞免疫反应 ,是一种能促进Th1和Th2均衡应答的佐剂 。
A cationic liposome (50~300 nm) was made by DC-Chol After mixing with hepatitis B vaccine (HBsAg),BALB/c mice was immunized and then examined the specific antibodies (IgG1 and IgG2a) and cytokines produced by murine splenic lymphocytes The results showed that antibodies produced by this mixture were mainly to be the IgG2a subclass IL-2,IL-5 and IFN-γ secreted in vitro by splenic lymphocytes with liposome-HBsAg were much higher than Al(OH) 3 -HBsAg Thus,the liposome was able to induce cellular immune response to HBsAg Furthermore,DC-Chol liposome could provide a signal to switch on both Th1 and Th2 responses However,it needs further investigation -
Shanghai Journal of Immunology