

An On-Site Study and Its GIS Presentation of the Grand Canal in Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys by Qian Gu and Visual Travelogue of a Journey Through the Waterways by Zhang Fu of Ming Dynasty
摘要 钱榖《纪行图册》以王世贞隆庆四年(1570)六月《适晋纪行》为蓝本,绘成仓山小祗园至扬州扬子桥三十二幅;张复《水程图》因王世贞于万历二年(1574)二月入领太仆之役,附舟而北,绘成邵伯至通州水程五十二幅。两卷皆以写实为之,在明人画中堪称独绝。文章以现地研究法进行三项处理:一、此次王世贞北行,正在隆庆新河既成,泇河之议方生的明代大运河变动期,文章将二人所经过之水程全部数字化;二、钱榖自言“维欲记其目前真境”,文章利用明清旅行日记、方志、古今地图及笔者现地考察所得,将各图逐一解说,指出图面所绘内容,验证画者写真实践的程度;三、此八十余幅之价值,如同发现一大箱明代的拍摄影带,文章发挥其自身的影像本色,形象化地指出明代大运河的真正面目。 Qian Gu(钱穀)'s Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys(《纪行图册》)was based on Wang Shizhen(王世贞)'s Shi Jin Ji Xing(《适晋纪行》)in the fourth year of the Longqing reign(1570)in June and was painted into 32 scenes from Cangshan Xiaozhi Garden(仓山小祗园)to Yangzhou Yangzi Bridge(扬州扬子桥).Zhang Fu(张复)'s Visual Travelogue of A Journey Through the Waterways(《水程图》)was drawn on the boat going north when Wang Shizhen entered the position of Taipu(太仆)in the second year of Wanli(1574)in February.He depicted 52 scenes from Shao Bo(邵伯)to Tongzhou(通州).Both works were done in a realistic style and are considered exceptional in the Ming dynasty's painting history.This article uses the on-site study method to undertake three tasks.First,since Wang Shizhen's trip to the north coincided with the Great Canal's changing period during the completion of the Longqing Xinhe(隆庆新河)and the discussion of the Jiahe(泇河),this article intends to digitize all the waterways they passed through.Second,Qian Gu stated that he wanted to record the true landscape at that time,so this article uses travel diaries,local gazetteers,ancient and modern maps,and my own research results through the on-site study to explain each illustration and verify the degree of realism depicted by the painters.Third,the value of the more than 80 scenes is like discovering a large box of Ming dynasty videotapes.This article will reveal the true appearance of the Great Canal in the Ming dynasty in a visual and expressive manner through the true nature of the scenes.
作者 简锦松 廖泫铭 王勇 张淑君 唐宸 严程 谢定紘 Chien Chin-Sung;Liao Hsiung-Ming;Wang Yong;Zhang Shujun;Tang Chen;Yan Cheng;Xie Dinghong
出处 《数字人文研究》 2023年第4期78-128,共51页 Digital Humanities Research
关键词 数字人文 明代大运河 现地研究 钱榖《纪行图册》 张复《水程图》 digital humanities The Great Canal of the Ming dynasty Qian Gu's Painting Album of the Great Canal Journeys Zhang Fu's Visual Travelogue of a Journey Through the Waterways
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