塔里木盆地哈拉哈塘-哈得地区三叠系作为油气显示富集有利层位之一,目前仅对三叠系进行了盆地级的研究,而区带认识不清,层序内部沉积演化不明,对区块勘探指导针对性不强,急需开展区带化研究。利用覆盖全区的高分辨率三维地震资料和岩心、测井资料的基础之上,运用地震沉积学研究方法分析地震属性结构,识别出面积达18000 km^(2)的哈拉哈塘-哈得地区克拉玛依组沉积相类型和沉积相平面展布范围,从而较准确的描述出其沉积相演化特征,为后续结合区域构造背景和断层分布来预测岩性油气藏分布提供依据。分析表明:塔里木盆地哈拉哈塘-哈得地区三叠系克拉玛依组整体为湖泊-三角洲沉积体系,上下段差异明显。下段砂体由北东向南西逐渐减少,反映河道影响作用减小,牙哈古隆起斜坡处发育三角洲平原亚相,向南西展布依次发育三角洲前缘亚相和湖泊相。克拉玛依组上段湖盆收缩,广泛发育三角洲平原亚相,向南西-西方向过渡为三角洲前缘亚相和湖泊相。其中,在三角洲平原亚相中发育下切谷沉积体系。
The Triassic in Halahatang Hade area of the Tarim Basin,as one of the favorable horizons for oil and gas enrichment,has only been studied at the basin level.However,the understanding of the regional zone is unclear,the sedimentary evolution within the sequence is unclear,and the exploration guidance for the block is not targeted,so the regionalization research is urgently needed.Based on the high-resolution 3D seismic data,core and logging data covering the whole area,the Seismic attribute structure was analyzed by using seismic Sedimentology research methods,and the sedimentary facies types and Phase plane distribution range of the Karamay Formation in Halahatang Hade area with an area of 18000 km^(2) were identified,so as to more accurately describe the sedimentary facies evolution characteristics.To provide a basis for predicting the distribution of lithological oil and gas reservoirs in combination with regional tectonic background and fault distribution in the future.The analysis shows that the Triassic Karamay Formation in Halahatang Hade area of the Tarim Basin is a lake delta sedimentary system,with obvious differences between the upper and lower members.The sand body in the lower section gradually decreases from northeast to southwest,reflecting a decrease in the influence of river channels.The delta plain subfacies are developed at the slope of the Yaha ancient uplift,and the delta front subfacies and lake facies are successively developed towards southwest.The lake basin in the upper section of the Karamay Formation contracted,and the delta plain subfacies were widely developed,which transited to the delta front subfacies and lake facies from southwest to west.Among them,Incised valleys sedimentary system is developed in delta plain subfacies.
LI Jia-yang;YIN Tai-ju;LEI Xiao-hong;YI Yi;LIU Fang-jun;SHI Fang(School of Earth Sciences,Yangtze University,Wuhan 430100,China;Exploration and Development Research Institute of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Branch,Korla 841000,China)
Science Technology and Engineering