文章结合工程实况,在分析总结长短桩加固机理的基础上,采用Midas GTS NX软件,对长短桩加固地基的公路地基变形特征进行研究,对比分析长短桩加固、全短桩和全长桩的加固效果。研究结果表明:长短桩加固方法可在保证加固效果的同时降低工程造价。同时,分析长短桩加固地基工况发现,地表沉降最大处在路堤中部,且随填筑高度增加而增加;地表沉降变化曲线随填筑高度的增加,其锯齿状变化也越明显;路堤填筑对地表沉降的影响范围为路堤坡脚向外3.5m。填筑过程中,地表水平位移值随填筑高度增加而逐渐增大。
Based on the analysis and summary of the reinforcement mechanism of long and short piles in engineering practice,the deformation characteristics of highway foundation reinforced with long and short piles are studied by using Midas GTS NX software,so as to compare and analyze the reinforcement effects of long and short piles,all short piles,and all long piles.The research results show that:the reinforcement method of long and short piles can reduce the engineering costs while ensuring the reinforcement effect.Meanwhile,it is found that the maximum surface settlement is located in the middle of the embankment by analyzing the working conditions of long and short pile reinforcement foundation,and it increases with the increase of the filling height;the zigzag variation of the surface settlement curve becomes more obvious with the increase of the filling height;the impact range of embankment filling on the surface settlement is 3.5m outward from the foot of the embankment slope.During the filling process,the horizontal displacement value of the surface gradually increases with the increase of the filling height.
Zhang Lijun(Loufan Highway Management Section of Taiyuan Highway Subbureau,Taiyuan 030012,China)
Northern Communications
Reinforcement of long and short piles
Soft soil foundation
Settlement deformation
Finite element analysis