

Saving Chinese Revolution from Crisis:The Process and Role of Mao Zedong’s Leadership in Consolidating the Shaanxi-Gansu Base
摘要 长征期间,张国焘公开挑战中共中央权威,导致红军公开分裂,使毛泽东遭遇中国革命“最大的困难”,也导致中国革命处于严重危局和困难境地。中共中央抵达陕甘根据地之际,根据地外部正遭遇国民党规模空前的“围剿”,内部“陕北肃反”也在恶性膨胀和蔓延。这导致陕甘根据地出现严重危机。毛泽东抵达陕甘根据地后立即投入根据地反“围剿”工作,化解了根据地面临的军事威胁,给根据地巩固和发展创造了有利的外部条件。与此同时,毛泽东及时介入对“陕北肃反”问题的处理,制止了肃反进一步膨胀和恶化,保全了刘志丹等一大批陕甘根据地党政军干部。这为陕甘根据地的巩固和发展奠定了坚实的组织基础。土地革命时期,陕甘根据地的存亡事关中国革命成败。陕甘根据地的巩固和发展扭转了中共中央和中央红军长征期间被迫不断转战的窘境,为中共中央和各路主力红军保留了硕果仅存的“落脚点”,也为中国革命复兴提供了重要根据地。毛泽东在领导巩固陕甘根据地过程中发挥了重大而不可替代的关键性作用,是其在新民主主义革命过程中“从危机中挽救中国革命”的重要范例。 During the Long March,Zhang Guotao’s overt challenge to the authority of the CPC Central Committee led to open division of the Red Army,“the greatest difficulty”of Chinese revolution encountered by Mao Zedong,and serious crisis of the revolution.During the arrival of the Committee,the Shaanxi-Gansu Base was under serious crisis.Outside of it was an unprecedented scale of“encirclement and suppression”by the KMT,and inside of it was the malignant expansion and spread of the“crackdown on counter-revolutionaries in Northern Shaanxi”.After his arrival,Mao Zedong immediately engaged in counterencirclement and suppression campaign of the Base,resolved the military threats faced by it,and created external conditions for its consolidation and development.Meanwhile,Mao Zedong promptly intervened in the handling of the“crackdown on counter-revolutionaries in Northern Shaanxi”,stopped its further expansion and deterioration,and preserved Liu Zhidan and a large number of the Party,government and military cadres of the Base,which laid solid foundation for its consolidation and development.During the Agrarian Revolutionary War,the survival of the Base was closely related to the success or failure of the Chinese revolution.During the Long March,its consolidation and development reversed the predicament of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army being forced to engage in battles constantly.It became one of the few left footholds for them and provided an important base for the rejuvenation of Chinese revolution.Mao Zedong played the significant and irreplaceable key role in leading the consolidation of the Base,which was an important example of his“saving Chinese revolution from crisis”in the new democratic revolution.
作者 魏德平 WEI Deping(School of Marxism,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an,Shaanxi 710119)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2023年第6期64-72,79,共10页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 陕甘根据地 “陕北肃反” 毛泽东 刘志丹 Shaanxi-Gansu Base “crackdown on counter-revolutionaries in Northern Shaanxi” Mao Zedong Liu Zhidan
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