

摘要 在地球物理学专业认识实习课程中提炼和挖掘课程思政元素,把专业教育和思想品德教育有机地结合起来,特别是在汶川地震遗址现场讲解专业知识的同时,挖掘抗震救灾过程中涌现的可歌可泣的故事,使学生树立“万众一心、众志成城,不畏艰险、百折不挠,以人为本、尊重科学”的抗震救灾精神,使学生认识到学好地球物理学不仅是专业人才培养目标的需求,更是社会使命的需要,从而激发学生热爱专业、学好专业。实现专业课程思政与思政教育同向同行的立德树人协同目标。 The ideological and political elements of the course are extracted and dug in the practice course of geophysical professional understanding,and the professional education is organically combined with ideological and moral education.In particular,while explaining professional knowledge on the site of the Wenchuan earthquake,we dug up the inspiring stories that emerged in the earthquake relief process,enabling students to establish the spirit of earthquake relief including"unity,courage,perseverance,people-oriented,respect for science",and make students realize that learning geophysics well is not only the need of professional talent training goal,but also the need of social mission,so as to inspire students to love their major and learn it well,achieving the goal of moral education and ideological and political education in professional courses.
作者 田仁飞 邓凯
出处 《高教学刊》 2024年第4期105-108,共4页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 四川省2021—2023年高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革项目“以多层次学术交流为抓手打通研究生创新能力培养的最后一公里”(JG2021-734) 四川省第三批高等学校省级课程思政示范“《地球物理学基础》‘课程思政’示范课”(川教函[2022]199号) 成都理工大学教学改革项目“抗震救灾精神融入地震学专业实践教育教学研究”(JG2130027)。
关键词 课程思政 地球物理学专业 认识实习 抗震救灾精神 汶川地震 curriculum ideology and politics Geophysics professional cognition practice spirit of earthquake relief Wenchuan earthquake
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