

Fruit phenotypic characters diversity analysis of pear native varieties in Yunnan
摘要 【目的】深入了解云南梨地方品种果实表型性状的变异特点和多样性。【方法】以云南有代表性的61个梨地方品种为试验材料,对果实16个描述型性状和7个数量型性状进行变异类型和多样性分析,利用电子鼻技术检测果实香气并进行主成分分析。【结果】云南梨地方品种果实的16个描述型性状变异类型丰富,其中果实形状和果实成熟期的变异类型最多。各描述型性状的多样性指数(H’)在0.45~1.88之间。19个梨地方品种果实在成熟时果皮分别着鲜红、淡红、粉红、暗红等不同盖色。7个数量型性状变异系数在11.25%~61.79%之间,单果质量的变异系数最高;多样性指数(H’)为1.676~2.080,果实纵径、果柄长度、可溶性固形物含量、果实横径、果形指数的多样性指数均大于2.0。电子鼻技术可以区分供试地方品种,WIW(硫化氢类)、W5S(氮氧化物)、W2W(芳香成分和有机硫化物)等3个传感器在模式识别中起主要作用。【结论】云南梨地方品种果实描述型性状变异类型丰富,数量型性状多样性指数较高。筛选出会泽火瓢梨等7个果皮着鲜红色的品种可作为红色梨选育的优异资源。电子鼻技术可以区分61个云南梨地方品种,可用作地方品种鉴定的辅助手段。 【Objective】The abundance of germplasm resources of pear in Yunnan is notable.In excess of 200 distinct pear varieties(types)have been domesticated and adapted to varying climatic conditions over long periods of cultivation,attesting to their diversity and adaptability.Despite the abundance of genetic resources,research on fruit traits of local pear varieties in Yunnan is still limited.Therefore,the aim of this study was to investigate the fruit characteristics and diversity of these varieties in order to provide valuable references for their exploitation and utilization in the future.【Methods】In this study,a total of 61 distinct local pear varieties were collected from primary pear-growing areas in Yunnan.A comprehensive assessment of sixteen descriptive traits and seven quantitative characters of the fruit were conducted to evaluate the diversity and variant types of the species.The sixteen descriptive pheno-typic traits included fruit shape,ground color,dot-obviousness,smoothness of the fruit skin,stalk-cavi-ty depth,eye-basin depth,relief of area around eye basin,flesh color,texture,texture-type,fruit-core size,stone-cell amount,juiciness-of-flesh,flavor,astringency,and fruit maturity date.The seven quanti-tative characteristics were fruit-single weight,fruit-vertical diameter,fruit-transverse diameter,fruit-shape index,fruit-stalk length,fruit-stalk roughness,and soluble-solid content.Furthermore,electronic-nose detection of fruit aroma was performed,and principal-component-analysis was applied to analyze the data.The electronic nose incorporated a sensor array detecting the chemical compounds in an aroma mixture,and then converted electronic output signals from all sensors.Collectively,these signals gener-ated a unique digital pattern known as the Electronic Aroma Signature Pattern(EASP)highly specific to the gas mixture being analyzed.Consequently,the instrument output generated a distinctive aroma signature or smell-print useful in identifying the particular type and variety of fruit.【Results】T
作者 梁艳萍 董菲 黄文静 陈瑶 丁仁展 李坤明 LIANG Yanping;DONG Fei;HUANGWenjing;CHEN Yao;DING Renzhan;LI Kunming(Institute of Horticultural Research,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Kunming 650205,Yunnan China;School of Tea and Coffee,Pu’er University,Pu’er 665000,Yunnan,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期41-51,共11页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 中华人民共和国科学技术部国家园艺种质云南特有果树及砧木分库运行服务项目(NHGRC2022-NH19) 农业农村部特有果树及砧木种质资源安全保存(19230833) 农业农村部普查资源协助繁种编目入圃-云南特有果树及砧木种质资源繁种编目入圃(19230795) 云南省财政厅基于全基因组重测序的云南砂梨种质资源群体遗传研究(2023KYZX-16)。
关键词 云南 地方品种 果实性状 多样性 电子鼻 Pear Yunnan Landrace Fruit phenotypic characters Diversity Electronic nose
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