
我国化石能源产业链供应链韧性分析 被引量:5

Analysis on the Resilience of China s Fossil Energy Industry Chain Supply Chain
摘要 文章从抵抗能力、恢复能力、控制能力和创新能力四个方面分析了我国化石能源产业链供应链的韧性。最终发现,我国石油、天然气和煤炭三大主要化石能源产业链供应链处于一个相对较为稳定的状态,即韧性较强。但近几年的新冠肺炎疫情和国际政治局势仍然对产业链供应链产生了较大的冲击,造成了能源进口规模下降以及创新产出降低等问题。综合来看,我国三大化石能源的产业链供应链韧性均存在进口集中度较高、物流体系仍需完善、对外依存度较高以及关键技术创新能力有待提高的问题;相比于石油和天然气,我国煤炭产业情况相对较好,基本可以实现自给自足,但煤炭的高效利用问题仍然有待解决。在此基础上,文章提出了进一步拓宽化石能源进口渠道、建立现代数字智能化石能源物流体系、加强化石能源的勘探开发力度和高效利用能力以及继续努力攻克化石能源尖端技术的建议。 This article analyzes the resilience of China s fossil energy industry chain supply chain from four aspects:resistance,recovery,control,and innovation.Finally,it was found that the supply chain of China s three major fossil energy industry chains,namely oil,natural gas,and coal,is in a relatively stable state with strong resilience.However,in recent years,the COVID-19 epidemic and the international political situation still have a great impact on the supply chain of the industrial chain,resulting in a decline in the scale of energy imports and innovation output.Overall,the resilience of the supply chain of China s three major fossil energy industries is characterized by high import concentration,the need to improve logistics systems,high external dependence,and the need to improve key technological innovation capabilities;Compared to oil and natural gas,China s coal industry is relatively good and can basically achieve self-sufficiency.However,the problem of efficient utilization of coal still needs to be solved.On this basis,this article proposes suggestions to further expand the import channels of fossil energy,establish a modern digital intelligent fossil energy logistics system,strengthen the exploration and development of fossil energy and its efficient utilization capacity,and continue to strive to conquer cutting-edge technologies in fossil energy.
作者 赵烁 ZHAO Shuo(Institute of Industrial Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100006)
出处 《供应链管理》 2024年第1期10-18,共9页 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT
基金 中国社会科学院国家高端智库课题“产业链供应链韧性和安全水平评价体系构建和应用研究”([2023]CASS-36) 中国社会科学院研究所创新工程项目(研究类)“‘十五五’国家能源发展战略研究”(2023GJS01) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“新型能源体系建设中的煤炭战略功能定位与测算”(23BGL014) 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会2022年度研究课题“新地缘政治形势下中央企业保障国家能源资源安全研究”(编号:700004-22ZB0002/17)。
关键词 化石能源 产业供应链 韧性 fossil energy industry supply chain resilience
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