基于干旱区张掖国家气候观象台2021年1月-2022年6月和大满灌区绿洲农田站2020年1-12月的观测数据,评估Noah-MP模式对干旱区荒漠和农田两种下垫面的水热通量的模拟性能。结果表明:Noah-MP模式模拟的干旱区荒漠下垫面辐射与观测值的相关系数均>0.98,泰勒评分>0.93。感热的泰勒评分(0.809)>潜热的泰勒评分(0.504),对辐射及湍流通量的变化特征、峰谷值与观测值总体一致,模拟效果较好。模拟的5 cm土壤湿度对降水过程有明显的响应,表现出明显的冷暖季差异,但其模拟性能仍有待改进。Noah-MP模式模拟的干旱区农田下垫面辐射通量及各层土壤温度的相关系数均>0.98,泰勒评分>0.58,模拟效果较理想。但模拟的潜热通量及各层土壤湿度较观测值偏低,尤其在生长季模拟性能不理想。Noah-MP模式对干旱区荒漠下垫面水热通量的模拟性能优于农田下垫面,优化和发展模式水文过程的参数化方案,在模式中考虑人为作用,是提高干旱区陆面过程模式模拟能力的重要方向。
In this study,using the observations from Janurary 2021 to Jane 2022 at the Zhangye National Climate Observatory and from Janurary to December 2020 at Daman Superstation over arid region,the simulation capabilities of the Noah-MP model were evaluated for water and heat fluxes on desert and cropland underlying surfaces.The results showed that:The R between the simulated and observed of radiation fluxes were greater than 0.98,and TSS were greater than 0.93,TSS of sensible heat flux was 0.809,which is larger than 0.504 of latent heat flux.The simulated variation of radiation and turbulent fluxes on the desert underlying surface were generally consistent with the observed values,which made the simulation better.The simulated 5 cm soil moisture had obvious response to the precipitation,showing obvious difference between cold and warm seasons,but its performance still needed to be improved.The R of radiation fluxes and soil temperature of each layer were greater than 0.98 and TSS were greater than 0.58,so the simulation capabilities of the NOAH-MP model for the radiation flux and soil temperature were reasonable,but the simulated latent heat flux and soil moisture of each layer were lower than the observations,and the simulation performance was not ideal especially in the growing season on the cropland underlying.Generally speaking,the simulation performance of NOAH-MP model on desert underlying surface was better than that on cropland over arid region.Optimization and development of hydrological process parameterization scheme in the model and consideration of anthropogenic effects in the model are important directions to improve the simulation performance of land surface model over arid region.
YANG Yang;YANG Qidong(Institute of Arid Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Lanzhou 730020 China;Department of Atmospheric Science,Yunnan University,Kunming 650019,China)
Desert and Oasis Meteorology