电液位置伺服系统由于其控制精度高、响应速度快、输出功率大的特点而被广泛应用于军事和工业生产中,但是伺服阀的压力流量特性、活塞与液压缸之间的摩擦,以及系统中存在的非匹配干扰等都反映出系统是具有强非线性的。文中利用Matlab软件对电液位置伺服系统进行控制和仿真,通过仿真结果比较分析PID控制算法、反步控制算法及反步法和NDOB(非线性干扰观测器)结合的控制方法对于控制这种具有强非线性系统的优劣。通过仿真结果可以看出,反步法与NDOB(Nonlinear Disturbance Observer)结合的控制策略对系统的控制精度要比反步法和PID的控制效果好、精度更高。
The electro-hydraulic position servo system is widely used in military and industrial production because of its high control accuracy,fast response speed,and large output power.However,the pressure flow characteristics of the servo valve,the friction between the piston and the hydraulic cylinder,and the unmatched interference in the system all reflect that the system is strongly nonlinear.This paper uses Matlab software to control and simulate the electro-hydraulic position servo system.The simulation results are used to compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of PID control algorithm,backstepping control algorithm and the control method combining backstepping method with NDOB(nonlinear disturbance observer)for controlling this kind of strongly nonlinear system.The simulation results prove that the control strategy combining the backstepping method and NDOB(Nonlinear Disturbance Observer)has better control accuracy than the backstepping method and PID.
MEI Yunliang;LIANG Quan(School of Mechanical Engineering,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang 110870,China)
Mechanical Engineer