The functions of academic journals have undergone transformations in response to the changing times. During the era of non-professionalized print media, the principal purpose of academic journals was to facilitate academic dissemination and promote scholarly interactions. In the subsequent era of professionalized print media, while the dissemination of academic knowledge remained a crucial role, the functions of selection and accreditation emerged prominently. Scholars sought recognition and corresponding positions through the selection and accreditation process conducted by academic journals, academic institutions utilized these mechanisms to evaluate scholars, and academic journals, in turn, acquired their own authority and influence through the process of selecting and accrediting contributions. As we have transitioned into the information age, the dissemination function of academic journals has become less prominent due to the ease of information dissemination. Nevertheless, owing to the increasing professionalization of academia, the functions of selection and accreditation by academic journals have been further reinforced. Consequently, contemporary academic journals should be keenly aware of the epoch they inhabit and direct their efforts toward the meticulous selection and accreditation of exceptional scholarly accomplishments, thereby fostering the advancement of academic endeavors.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)