

A Query on the Statement that Yuan Shikai Forced the Qing Emperor to Abdicate
摘要 辛亥鼎革时期的袁世凯并没有在理念上经历从君主立宪到民主共和的转变。出于维系多民族国家统一、社会安定及自身利益考虑,袁氏实际上是想造成虚君共和。他首先坚持以十九信条为宗旨,力图主导国民会议之组织,以防唐绍仪和伍廷芳会谈所定国民会议方案造成民主共和结果。接着因南京临时政府建立及国民会议商谈走进死胡同,他又意图由清廷授权其组织临时政府,以取消南京临时政府。为此他采取了模棱两可的策略,一方面劝导清廷“速定大计”,改建共和,使南方以为清帝将要退位,另一方面在预拟的相关诏书中竭力避用“退位”一类字眼,并试图将由其“全权组织临时政府”写入诏书。在遭到满蒙亲贵和革命党两方反对后,袁氏转而依靠段祺瑞等北洋将领联衔电奏,要求“立定共和政体,以巩皇位而定大局”,仍未放弃清帝。在得到与南方协商皇室优待条件的授权以后,袁氏奉旨反复拒绝将“逊位”二字写入诏书,主张改用“辞政”。因南方坚决反对虚君共和,袁氏才不得不于最后时刻经清廷授权,同意南方的提议,以“辞位”替代“逊位”。一系列史实证明,所谓袁氏“逼迫清帝退位”的说法是不能成立的。这种观点实际上放大了袁氏对推翻帝制和建立共和的贡献,而真正要逼迫清帝退位的,其实是革命党人和那些转向民主共和的立宪派人士。 During the Revolution of 1911,Yuan Shikai did not experience the ideological change from constitutional monarchy to democratic republic.With the purpose of maintaining the unity and social stability of the multinational country,and considering his own interests,Yuan actually aimed at creating a constitutional monarchy.First of all,he insisted on the principle of the Nineteen Articles and tried to dominate the organization of the National Assembly,in order to prevent the plan of the National Assembly set by the Tang Shaoyi(唐绍仪)—Wu Tingfang(伍廷芳)talks from leading to democratic republic.Then,because of the establishment of the Nanjing Provisional Government and the stagnation of the negotiations in the National Assembly,Yuan intended to mobilize the Qing court to authorize him to organize a provisional government,so as to abolish the Nanjing Provisional Government.For this reason,he adopted an ambiguous strategy.On the one hand,he persuaded the Qing court to“make a swift decision”to change the regime to constitutional republic,so as to mislead the southern government into thinking that the Qing emperor was about to abdicate.On the other hand,he tried to avoid using the word“abdication”in the pre-drafted relevant imperial edict and tried to put“the provisional government will be organized by Yuan Shikai with full authority”into the imperial edict.After being opposed by both the Manchu and Mongolian nobility and royalty and the Revolutionaries,Yuan turned to Duan Qirui(段祺瑞)and other Beiyang generals to jointly send the memorial by telegram,demanding that“the republic should be established to consolidate the throne and settle the overall situation”,which means that he still hasn’t given up on keeping the Qing emperor s throne.After being authorized by the Qing court to negotiate with the Southern government about the preferential conditions for the imperial family,Yuan repeatedly refused to put the word“abdication”into the imperial edict on imperial s order,and advocated using�
作者 尚小明 SHANG Xiao-ming(Department of History,Peking University,Beijing,100871,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 北大核心 2024年第1期4-25,共22页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 辛亥南北议和 袁世凯 虚君共和 民主共和 段祺瑞 清帝退位诏书 the Peace Talk between South and North Yuan Shikai constitutional monarchy democratic republic Duan Qirui(段祺瑞) Imperial Edict of the Abdication of the Qing Emperor
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