Phosphorus(P) limitation in the coming decades calls for the utilization of alternative fertilizers in agriculture. Struvite is a promising P source, but its potential role as a fertilizer is dependent on different physical, chemical, and biological properties, which are very heterogeneous in soil, complicating the prediction of the best soil conditions for its application. Here, we evaluated the solubility of struvite in soil, its redistribution into P fractions, and its potential abiotic and biotic drivers in 62 globally distributed soils with contrasting properties through an incubation assay. We found that after 40 d, about 35% of struvite P was redistributed into soil fractions more accessible to plants and microbes. Phosphorus redistribution from struvite was driven by a complex suite of soil physical, chemical, and microbial properties as well as environmental factors that varied across soils. Soil texture played a critical role in determining the redistribution of P in struvite-amended soils in soluble(H2O extraction), labile(NaHCO3 extraction), and moderately labile(NaOH extraction) fractions.In addition, the soil solution cation concentration was one of the most important drivers of available struvite-derived P fractions. The great importance of texture and cations in determining struvite-derived P fractions in soil was contrasted with the relatively minor role of pH. At the microbial level, the number of bacterial operational taxonomic units(OTUs) from the unfertilized soils that correlated with struvite-derived P fractions was higher than that of fungi. The number of OTUs that correlated with the struvite-derived soluble P fraction was dominated by fungi, whereas the number of OTUs that correlated with the struvite-derived labile P fraction was dominated by bacteria. Overall, this study provided a predictive framework for the potential use of struvite as a P fertilizer in contrasting soils.
the financial support by the Fundacion General CSIC, Spain (Programa ComFuturo)
the project PID2020114942RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI//10.13039/5011000 11033
supported by a project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (No. PID2020-115813RA-I00)
a project of the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
the Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades of the Junta de Andalucía (FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 Objetivo temático “01— Refuerzo de la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación”, ANDABIOMA, No. P20_00879)
supported by a postdoctoral scholarship as part of the FCT-funded project “Soil Ecosystems in the XXI Century: Drivers, Conservation and Future Scenarios” (No. FCT-PTDC/BIACBI/2340/2020) led by IPVC, Portugal。