

Intertextuality as a Paradigm for Chinese Huaben Anthology:Interpretation Based on Rainier Lanselle’s Translation of The Spectacles in Ancient and Modern Time
摘要 在《今古奇观》法语全译本导论中,法国汉学家译者蓝碁高度关注该作品作为话本选集的文本性质,提出“中国式互文性”概念,用以系统化论述这一中国古代文集的内在特征。通过互文性理论提供的视野,蓝碁一方面展示《今古奇观》在纵向上的互文性特点,在多种层次上梳理呈现选集收录话本与上级文本之间的源流关系,并深入探讨该关系对于话本而言生成的意义。另一方面揭示《今古奇观》选集文本在横向上的互文关系,细致分析且通过特定翻译着意突出选集内部文本之间的相互联系。蓝碁以其《今古奇观》译介完成了一次西方语言和西方理论视域下的中国古代文学研究,为古代文学研究提供了新的维度;而在深刻阐发该部话本选集的互文性特点的过程中,蓝碁亦展示了以中国文本丰富和延展互文性理论的空间和可能。 In his introduction to the French translation of The Spectacles in Ancient and Modern Time,Rainier Lanselle,French sinologist and translator,pays immense attention to the textual identity of the work as an anthology of huaben,and proposes the concept of“Chinese intertextuality”in order to systematise the intrinsic characteristics of this ancient Chinese anthology.On the one hand,Lanselle,through the vision provided by the theory of intertextuality,demonstrates the vertical intertextual characteristics of the anthology,presenting the relationship between texts included in the anthology and their superiors on various levels,and thus explores the significance generated by this relationship.On the other hand,Lanselle reveals the horizontal intertextual relationship between the texts in the anthology,analyzing them in detail and highlighting the interconnections between the texts within the anthology by means of translation.With his translation of The Spectacles in Ancient and Modern Time,Rainier Lanselle completed a profound study of ancient Chinese literature in the context of Western languages and Western theories,providing a new dimension for the study of ancient literature;moreover,in the process of elaborating the intertextual characteristics of the anthology,Lanselle also demonstrates the possibility of enriching and extending the theory of LITERATUREintertextuality with Chinese texts.
作者 吕如羽 LYU Ruyu(Renmin University of China)
机构地区 中国人民大学
出处 《国际比较文学(中英文)》 2023年第4期97-107,共11页 International Comparative Literature
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目:“中国古代话本小说在法国的译介与接受研究”(编号22CWW007)。
关键词 《今古奇观》法译 话本选集 互文性 中国古代文学域外译介和研究 French translations of The Spectacles in Ancient and Modern Time Chinese huaben anthology intertextuality overseas studies on ancient Chinese literature
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  • 2Julia Kristeva, 《Problemes de la structuration du texte》,Theorie d'ensemble, Paris, Seuil, 1968, p. 311. 被引量:1
  • 3Julia Kristeva, 《Le textc clos》, Sem eio tike. Recherches pour une semanalyse, 1969, p. 113. 被引量:1
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  • 8Roland Barthes, Oeuvres completes, tome 2, Paris, Seuil,1994, p. 1000. 被引量:1
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  • 10Graham Allen, Intertextuality, London, New York, Rout-ledge, 2000, pp. 95 -97. 被引量:1









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