

Conceptual Directions and Action Changes in Transferring Japanese Experience Oversea——Based on the"EDU-Port Japan"Program
摘要 国际大规模教育测评引发跨国间教育经验转移的浪潮。为转移“日式教育”经验,谋求全球教育引领者地位,日本于2016年启动了“促进日式教育海外转移”项目。“促进日式教育海外转移”项目基于“国家利益至上”的理念导向,融合“教育政策转化”理论成果,演化出推动教育国际化、培养亲日群体以及扩大海外教育产业三大目标取向。在实践中,该项目坚持教育“在地化”的转移逻辑,通过搭建“产官学研”协同的转移结构,基于“去自我中心”的转移定位,采取分层认证的转移方法以及聚焦动态监控的转移评价,聚类出政府-高校共创型、民间交流型、私营企业投资型三大转移类型。“促进日式教育海外转移项目”形成了集开放性、协作性、发展性为一体的行动框架,是日本参与全球治理的重要政策工具。 International large-scale educational assessments have led to a surge in the cross-border transfer of educational experience.In 2016,Japan launched the"EDU-Port Japan Program"with the aim of sharing the experience of"Japanese-style education"and pursuing international educational leadership.Based on the"education policy transformation"theory and the principle of prioritizing national interest,three main goals were established:promoting global education,fostering positive relationships towards Japan,and expanding the study abroad industry.In practical terms,this project employs the concept of"localized"transfer achieved through the creation of a transfer structure that synergises"industry-government-academia-research".Additionally,the transfer orientation aims to shift away from egocentricity,while the project adopts the transfer method of"layered certification"and focuses on"education policy transformation"'.By implementing a transfer system that adopts the"industry-government-academia-research"model of collaboration,employs a"de-centred"transfer approach,utilizes a layered authentication transfer method,and prioritizes dynamic monitoring of the transfer review process,this project has identified three core types of transfer:co-creation between the government and universities,informal private exchanges,and private enterprise investment.Additionally,a strategy has been developed to encourage transparency,cooperation,and consistency.
作者 陈川 CHEN Chuan(Research Institute for International and Comparative Education,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234)
出处 《比较教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第12期22-31,共10页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部2022年教育管理信息中心委托研究课题“国外教育战略与行动研究及数据库建设”(课题编号:EMIC-YJC-2022015)。
关键词 日本 日式教育 教育经验转移 对外教育传播 文化殖民主义 Japan Japanese-style education transfer of educational experience foreign educational dissemination cultural colonialism
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