

A Discussion about the Political Career of Shen Yiji and the Political Turn in the Early Han Dynasty
摘要 由于政治原因,审食其的史迹被刻意遮蔽,然而他的政治命运与汉初政治走向息息相关。审食其在政坛迅速崛起的根本原因是皇帝与功臣集团之间矛盾不可调和,未建立起良性的君臣关系;偶然原因则是汉惠帝早早去世,促使吕后扶植亲信、大封外戚吕氏以改变君弱臣强的局面。审食其拜相后权倾一时,为维持政治的正常运作做出了很大贡献。吕后死后,功臣兵变,吕后所划定的政治路线被废止。审食其再次出任左相,但沦为傀儡,其政治生涯转入低谷进而结束。功臣集团经过兵变获得短暂强势,然后迅速衰落。文帝致力于加强皇权,清除包括审食其在内的异己,并向吕后所施行路线靠拢,汉代政治开始步入稳定发展轨道。 Due to political reasons,the story of Shen Yiji were deliberately obscured,but his political fate was closely related to the political trend of the early Han Dynasty.The fundamental reason for its rapid rise in the political arena is that the contradictions between the emperor and the group of heroes are irreconcilable,and a benign relationship between the monarch and the minister has not been established.The accidental reason was the early death of Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty,which prompted Empress Lü to support his cronies and relatives Lü to change the situation of weak monarchs and strong ministers.After judging the prime minister,he fell into power for a while,and made a great contribution to maintaining the normal operation of politics.After the death of Empress Lü,the heroes mutinied,and the political line drawn by Empress Lü was abolished.He was once again appointed as the left minister,but became a puppet,and his political career turned to a low point and ended.The group of heroes gained a brief period of strength after a mutiny,and then quickly declined.Emperor Wen devoted himself to strengthening imperial power,eliminating dissidents,including those who tried to eat him,and moved closer to the line implemented by Empress Lü,and the politics of the Han Dynasty began to enter the track of stable development.
作者 崔立军 CUI Lijun(School of Marxism,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255000,China)
出处 《枣庄学院学报》 2023年第6期58-64,共7页 Journal of Zaozhuang University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“秦汉时间观念研究”(项目编号:23YJC720002)阶段性成果。
关键词 审食其 吕后 功臣集团 政治转向 Shen Yiji Empress Lü meritorious leader group political turn
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