

Study on parasitic behavior of Pseudoxenos iwatai in the abdomen of Rhynchium quinquecinctum
摘要 【目的】研究岩田蜾蠃[虫扇](Pseudoxenos iwatai)在黄喙蜾蠃(Rhynchium quinquecinctum)腹部的寄生习性,为进一步理解捻翅目昆虫与寄主的协同进化关系奠定基础。【方法】采用巢管法收集黄喙蜾蠃,通过室内饲养获得岩田蜾蠃[虫扇]样本;采用目测、拍照、摄像等方法观测岩田蜾蠃[虫扇]在黄喙蜾蠃腹部的寄生率,钻出时间和位置,羽化时间等习性。【结果】岩田蜾蠃[虫扇]在黄喙蜾蠃上的寄生率为5.85%。雌雄[虫扇]性比为1∶6.24。被寄生的黄喙蜾蠃中,雌蜂占48.98%,雄蜂占51.02%;黄喙蜾蠃腹部寄生岩田蜾蠃[虫扇]的数量为1~9头,其中寄生数量以1~3头最多,占总数的91.54%。雌[虫扇]和雄[虫扇]在黄喙蜾蠃腹部的寄生钻出位置不同,其中,雌[虫扇]在寄主腹部的第3~4节间处最多,占比40.91%;雄[虫扇]在寄主腹部的第4~5节间最多,占比为65.83%。黄喙蜾蠃羽化后的第1~9天发现雄[虫扇]钻出,其中第1天的数量最多,占比66.67%;黄喙蜾蠃羽化后的第5天观测到的雌[虫扇]数量最多,占比67.44%。雌[虫扇]头胸部钻出寄主腹部后,会有明显的吸引雄[虫扇]的动作,雌[虫扇]吸引高峰期在每天5:30—6:30和13:00—14:30。雄[虫扇]在黄喙蜾蠃羽化后的第5~10天羽化,羽化高峰期在5:00—6:30、9:00—11:00和14:00—15:30。【结论】不同性别的岩田蜾蠃[虫扇]在黄喙蜾蠃腹部的钻出位置不同。雌[虫扇]从黄喙蜾蠃体内钻出吸引雄[虫扇]的时间与雄[虫扇]的羽化高峰时间重叠,这可能是岩田蜾蠃[虫扇]生殖交配的重要策略。 【Objective】Rhynchium quinquecinctum was collected by the nest trap method,and Pseudoxenos iwatai samples were reared in the laboratory.The parasitism rate,extrusion time and position,eclosion time,and other behaviors of P.iwatai in the abdomen of R.quinquecinctum were observed by visual observation,photography and videography.【Result】The parasitism rate of P.iwatai on R.quinquecinctum was 5.85%and the sex ratio of P.iwatai was 1∶6.24.In R.quinquecinctum,48.98%of females and 51.02%of males were parasitized.The number of P.iwatai parasites in the abdomen of R.quinquecinctum ranged from one to nine,of which one to three were the majority,accounting for 91.54%of the total.The extrusion positions from the abdomens of R.quinquecinctum differed between females and males,and the number of females was the highest in the 3rd-4th segments of the host abdomen,accounting for 40.91%,while it was the highest in the 4th-5th segments of the host abdomen in males,accounting for 65.83%.Males were found on the 1st to 9th day after the R.quinquecinctum eclosion,and the number on the 1st day was the largest,accounting for 66.67%.The number of females observed on the 5th day after eclosion was the highest,accounting for 67.44%.There was a clear attraction to the male after the cephalothorax of the female was extruded from the host’s abdomen,and the attraction peak was at 5:30-6:30 and 13:00-14:30 of the day.Male eclosion occurred on the 5th to 10th day after R.quinquecinctum closion,and the peaks of eclosion were between 5:00-6:30,9:00-11:00,and 14:00-15:30 in the day.【Conclusion】Different extruding positions from the abdomen of R.quinquecinctum for different sexes of P.iwatai were observed.An important behavior in the reproductive mating strategy of P.iwatai may be the overlap of the time of attracting males by females extruding from R.quinquecinctum and the peak time of male eclosion.
作者 孙凯丽 贺春玲 胡俊杰 方全博 栾科 任迎丰 肖治术 SUN Kaili;HE Chunling;HU Junjie;FAN Quanbo;LUAN Ke;REN Yingfeng;XIAO Zhishu(College of Horticulture and Plant Protection,Henan University of Science&Technology,Luoyang 471000,China;National Yugong Forestry Station of Jiyuan City,Jiyuan 459000,China;State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents in Agriculture,Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期243-250,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 国家科技部基础调查专项(2018FY100404) 河南南太行山水林田湖草生态保护修复试点工程(济源项目)(JGZJCAI-2019125)。
关键词 捻翅目 岩田蜾蠃[虫扇] 黄喙蜾蠃 寄生率 钻出位置 羽化 Strepsiptera Pseudoxenos iwatai Rhynchium quinquecinctum parasitism rate extrude position eclosion
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