

Research on pricing and emission reduction decision of dual-channel supply chain considering manufacturer's financial constraints
摘要 考虑由单个零售商和单个受资金约束的制造商组成的双渠道供应链,该文研究了提前支付融资策略和银行贷款融资策略对双渠道供应链集中决策和分散决策下最优定价及碳减排决策的影响,并给出了制造商在不同初始资金水平下的融资策略选择.研究结果表明:集中决策下,双渠道供应链有资金约束时的最优碳减排率和利润要小于没有资金约束时的最优碳减排率和利润;分散式决策下,采用提前支付融资策略时,制造商的最优线上销售价格、最优批发价格随批发价格折扣率的增大而增大,而制造商的最优碳减排率、零售商的最优线下销售价格随批发价格折扣率的增大而减少;采用银行贷款融资策略时,制造商的最优线上销售价格、最优批发价格以及零售商的最优线下销售价格随批发价格折扣率的增大而增大,而制造商的最优碳减排率随批发价格折扣率的增大而减少;无论批发价格折扣率或银行贷款利率如何变化,采用提前支付融资策略对制造商有利;当批发价格折扣率或银行贷款利率较小时,采用提前支付融资策略对零售商有利,而当批发价格折扣率或银行贷款利率较大时,采用银行贷款融资策略对零售商有利. Considering a dual-channel supply chain consisting of a single retailer and a single financially constrained manufacturer,the effects of pre-payment financing strategy and bank loan financing strategy on the optimal pricing and carbon emission reduction decision under centralized and decentralized decision making are studied,and manufacturers'financing strategy choices under different initial capital levels are given.The results show that the optimal carbon emission reduction rate and profit of dual-channel supply chain with financial constraints are smaller than those without financial constraints under centralized decision-making.Under the distributed decision-making,when the financing strategy of advance payment is adopted,the optimal online sales price and the optimal wholesale price of the manufacturer increase with the increase of the wholesale price discount rate,while the optimal carbon emission reduction rate of the manufacturer and the optimal offline sales price of the retailer decrease with the increase of the wholesale price discount rate.When the bank loan financing strategy is adopted,the optimal online selling price,the optimal wholesale price and the optimal offline selling price of retailers increase with the increase of the wholesale price discount rate,while the optimal carbon emission reduction rate of manufacturers decreases with the increase of the wholesale price discount rate.It is advantageous for manufacturer to adopt prepayment financing strategies regardless of changes of the wholesale price discount rate or the bank lending rate.When the wholesale price discount rate or bank loan rate is low,it is advantageous for retailer to adopt prepayment financing strategy.When wholesale price discount rate or bank loan interest rate is large,it is advantageous for retailer to adopt bank loan financing strategy.
作者 曹细玉 覃艳华 余小艳 CAO Xiyu;QIN Yanhua;YU Xiaoyan(Zhongshan Institute,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Zhongshan 528402,Guangdong,China;School of Management and Economics,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期859-869,共11页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 广东省普通高校特色创新类项目(2019WTSCX139).
关键词 双渠道供应链 资金约束 碳减排 融资策略 dual-channel supply chain capital constraint carbon reduction financing strategy
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