[目的]探究不同整地措施下的土壤水分动态特征,为评估坡面整地的生态水文效益,促进旱区植被恢复提供科学依据。[方法]通过半干旱黄土区油松林自然坡面和鱼鳞坑、反坡台的原位对照研究,基于土壤水分动态监测,结合降雨事件,利用HYDRUS-1D软件模拟,揭示不同整地措施对土壤水分垂直运移特征的影响。[结果](1)一维非饱和土壤水分运移数值模型对0—40 cm土壤水分的模拟精度大于40—100 cm,适于表层(0—40 cm)土壤水分的模拟;整个研究期内,相同降雨条件下,鱼鳞坑、反坡台的土壤水分通量显著大于相应对照自然坡面样地(p<0.05),鱼鳞坑的土壤水分通量显著大于反坡台(p<0.05)。(2)单独降雨条件下,0—40 cm内鱼鳞坑、反坡台的土壤水分通量比相应对照自然坡面样地平均提高9.07%,4.02%;鱼鳞坑、反坡台与相应对照自然坡面样地的平均差值最大在20,30 cm处,分别为0.79%,0.37%,整体呈先增后减趋势;降雨量为5—10 mm时,鱼鳞坑、反坡台的土壤水分通量最大为1.94%,1.42%,分别在30,40 cm;降雨量>10 mm时,鱼鳞坑、反坡台的土壤水分通量最大值均在0—20 cm,随降雨量增大而逐渐降低;鱼鳞坑、反坡台各层土壤水分通量之间差异均不显著。(3)持续降雨条件下,0—40 cm内鱼鳞坑、反坡台的土壤水分通量比其对照自然坡面样地平均提高10.73%,4.72%;鱼鳞坑、反坡台与相应对照自然坡面样地的差值在0—20 cm内最显著(p<0.05),平均差值整体均呈递减趋势;鱼鳞坑、反坡台与相应对照自然坡面样地各层的差值在降雨量为10—20 mm时最显著(p<0.05),最大增量均在10 cm处,分别为1.35%,0.53%;鱼鳞坑各层的平均土壤水分通量呈递减趋势,反坡台呈递增趋势;不同降雨特征下,鱼鳞坑、反坡台土壤水分通量最大值的深度不同,降雨量<20 mm时,鱼鳞坑、反坡台在10,20 cm,分别为1.58%,0.72%,降雨量>20 mm,均在40 cm,为2.61%,1.92%;鱼鳞坑
[Objective]The dynamic characteristics of soil moisture under different land preparation measures were analyzed in order to provide a scientific basis for assessing the eco-hydrological benefits of slope land preparations and for promoting vegetation restoration in arid areas.[Methods]We used an in-situ controlled study of natural slopes,fish-scale pits,and reverse slopes of a Pinus tabulaeformis forest in a semi-arid loess area along with dynamic monitoring of soil moisture and rainfall events and HYDRUS-1D software simulations to quantify the effects of different land preparation measures on the vertical migration characteristics of soil moisture.[Results]①The simulation accuracy of the one-dimensional unsaturated soil moisture transport numerical model for soil moisture in the 0—40 cm layer was greater than that of the 40—100 cm layer,which was suitable for the simulation of surface(0—40 cm)soil moisture.During the entire study period,under the same rainfall conditions,the soil moisture fluxes of the fish-scale pits and the reverse slope terraces were significantly higher than the soil moisture flux of the corresponding natural slope(p<0.05).The soil moisture flux of the fish-scale pits was significantly higher than that of the reverse slope terraces(p<0.05).②Under individual rainfall conditions,the soil moisture fluxes of the fish-scale pits and the reverse slope terraces for the 0—40 cm layer were 9.07%and 4.02%,respectively,higher than that of corresponding natural slope plots.The average differences between the fish-scale pits,the reverse slope terraces,and the corresponding natural slope sample plots were the largest at 20 and 30 cm,which were 0.79%and 0.37%,respectively,exhibiting an overall trend of first increasing and then decreasing.When the rainfall was 5—10 mm,the maximum soil moisture fluxes of the fish-scale pits and the reverse slope terraces were 1.94%and 1.42%,respectively,at 30 cm and 40 cm.When the rainfall was more than 10 mm,the maximum soil moisture fluxes of the fish-scale
Dong Hongxia;Zhang Qindi;Wei Qiang(College of Life Sciences,Shanxi Normal University,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030031,China;Shanxi Metallurgical Rock-Soil Engineering Investigation Limited Company,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030000,China)
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation