
经典理论视野下中国式现代化的实践逻辑——全球视野、国家职能与政党领导 被引量:3

The Practical Logic of Chinese Modernization from the Perspective of Classical Theory:Global Vision,State Functions and Party Leadership
摘要 要把握中国式现代化的重大意义和丰富内涵,需要以马克思主义经典理论为指引,从全球视野、国家职能、政党领导三重视角出发,阐明中国式现代化的世界历史意义、实现中国式现代化的制度基础和政治保障。首先,从全球视野看来,中国式现代化是世界社会主义进程在资本主义空间不平衡条件下的必然展开,它积极吸收资本主义的文明成果,开创了一种具有扩展性的“新文明形态”。其次,要完成这一创举,就需要社会主义的国家力量嵌入资本活动内部并调和其内在矛盾,为中国式现代化理念的实现提供制度基础。最后,为了确保国家行动的正确政治方向,又需要中国共产党发挥对各项事业的全面领导作用,维持资本与国家之间的良性平衡,保证中国式现代化的社会主义本质。通过这三重视角的递进,可以对中国式现代化的实践逻辑作出一种系统性把握。 To grasp the significance of Chinese modernization,it is necessary to take the classic Marxist theory as the guide and clarify its world historical significance,institutional kernel and political guarantee from the triple perspectives of global vision,state functions and party leadership.Chinese modernization is the inevitable development of the world historical process from capitalism to socialism under the condition of capitalist spatial imbalance.It actively absorbs the achievements of capitalist civilization and creates a new model for human progressive advancement.The key to this lies in the fact that socialist state power can be embedded into the movements of capital and reconcile their internal contradictions,so as to provide the institutional basis for realizing the ideal of Chinese modernization.The guarantee for completing this task lies in the overall Party leadership,which maintains a healthy balance between capital and the state,and thus ensures the socialist nature of Chinese modernization.Through the progression of these three perspectives,a systematic understanding of the practical logic of Chinese modernization can be achieved.
作者 牛子牛 Niu Ziniu
机构地区 南开大学哲学院
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期41-51,共11页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(23CZX011)。
关键词 中国式现代化 后发国家 资本—国家关系 党的领导 Chinese Modernization Later Developing Nations Capital-state Relationship Party Leadership
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