当前中国的小城镇建设正处在乡村振兴的时代背景下,切实实施乡村振兴战略,把乡镇建设落到实处是我们亟待解决的问题所在。英国的乡村建设是从城乡一体化建设视角出发,对于我国的城乡融合及乡村振兴建设有着普适性与借鉴意义。科茨沃尔德地区是英国《法定特殊自然美景区》(Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty),该区域内分布着上百个村落,当地以发展旅游业为主导产业的模式吸引着世界各地向往乡村生活的游客。该文阐述了当地的规划保护政策,着重阐述当地的设计准则以期从乡村建设层面对于我国的乡镇建设给予建议。
At present,the construction of small towns in China is under the background of rural revitalization.How to implement the rural revitalization strategy and how to put the construction of towns into practice is an urgent problem to be solved.The rural construction in Britain starts from the perspective of urban-rural integration,which is of universal and referential significance to the urban-rural integration and rural revitalization construction in China.Cotswold region is the UK's Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty(AONB).There are hundreds of villages in this region.The local tourism development as the leading industry model attracts tourists from all over the world who are longing for rural life.In this paper we expound the local planning and protection policies and focus on the local design guidelines,so as to give suggestions on the rural construction in China.
Huazhong Architecture