

Situ:The Evolution of the Name of the Reincarnated Living Buddha System from the Officials to the Reincarnated Living Buddhas—Important Relics of the Central Government's Governance of Tibet in the Yuan and Ming Periods
摘要 司徒是西周至元代之间中央政府机构的重要职官之一,经历了从实职到加官、赠官的演变。至元代,中央政府开始将司徒用于西藏等涉藏地区首领的封授,封授对象既有俗官,也有僧官,均为握有实权和影响较大的人物。明代继承了元代这一传统,并且司徒逐渐演变成藏传佛教转世活佛系统的名号,并沿用至今。元、明两代中央政府对涉藏地区僧俗首领司徒等职的封授,对涉藏地区的治理和疆域的一统产生了积极作用,司徒一词也逐渐融入藏族文化之中,是中央政府治理西藏等涉藏地区的重要遗珍,是历史上汉藏文化交融的又一实证,充分反映出元、明两代中央政府对西藏等涉藏地区的治理,藏族历史上对中央政府和中华民族文化的认同。 Situ is one of the important officials of the central government institutions from the Western Zhou Dynas⁃ty to the Yuan Dynasty and has witnessed the evolution from the actual position to the additional official and the granting of the official.The government began to use the Situ in the Yuan Dynasty for the conferment of the lead⁃ers of Tibet and other places related to Tibet,and the objects of conferment were both lay officials and monks,all of whom held real power and had greater influence.The Ming Dynasty inherited this tradition from the Yuan Dy⁃nasty,and Situ gradually evolved into the name of Tibetan Buddhism's reincarnated living Buddha system,which is still in use today.In the Yuan and Ming dynasties,the government conferred the title of Situ on the monks and lay leaders of Tibet-related areas,which played an important role in the governance of Tibet-related areas and the unification of the territory,and the term Situ was gradually integrated into Tibetan culture,which is a great legacy of governing those areas and a tangible proof of the blending of Sino-Tibetan cultures in history.It fully re⁃flects the governance of Tibet and other Tibet-related areas during the Yuan and Ming dynasties,as well as the Tibetan people's historical identification with the central government and Chinese culture.
作者 熊文彬 Xiong Wenbin(Center forTibetStudies&SchoolofArchaeology,Sichuan University,Chengdu,SichuanProvince,610207)
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期21-27,36,共8页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2019年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“西藏阿里后弘期初的佛教遗存与多民族交融研究”阶段性成果,项目号:19ZDA177。
关键词 司徒 封授 涉藏地区 转世活佛系统名号 汉藏文化交流 Situ Conferment Tibet-related areas the Name of the Reincarnated Living Buddha System SinoTibetan cultural exchanges
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