

Research on Blockchain Meteorological Data Sharing Scheme Based on SMPC
摘要 针对气象数据安全共享问题,文章设计了基于安全多方计算的区块链气象数据安全共享方案。本方案采用链上链下共同存储方式,提高大数据计算效率,减轻区块链线上存储负担,使用SBFT共识算法保证区块链内各节点的一致性与安全性,并结合安全多方计算解决多节点参与存储共享的隐私泄露问题,保证数据在不出库的前提下提高数据使用的安全性、合规性以及隐私性。 This article designs a blockchain meteorological data security sharing scheme based on secure multi-party computing to address the issue of meteorological data security sharing.This solution adopts an on chain and off chain shared storage method to improve the efficiency of big data computing and reduce the burden of online storage on the blockchain.The SBFT consensus algorithm is used to ensure the consistency and security of each node in the blockchain,and combined with secure multi-party computing to solve the privacy leakage problem of multiple nodes participating in storage sharing,ensuring that the data improves the security,compliance,and privacy of data usage without leaving the warehouse.
作者 骆慧伦 王婧 袁翔 LUO Huilun;WANG Jing;YUAN Xiang(Fujian Meteorological Information Center,fuzhou 350001,China)
出处 《长江信息通信》 2023年第9期146-149,共4页 Changjiang Information & Communications
关键词 安全多方计算 区块链数据 数据安全共享 secure multi-party computing,Blockchain data Data security sharing
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