盾构隧道通用楔形环是目前应用最为广泛的一种管片形式,具有制作简便、通用性强等优点。其中,管片楔形量的大小直接影响通用楔形环管片的线路拟合能力和效果。为研究盾构隧道通用楔形环管片的设计排版,介绍了目前常用的通用楔形环管片楔形量的计算方法,然后结合广州某地铁线路,提出一种简便实用的通用楔形环管片设计排版流程和算法,并基于所提出的算法采用MATLAB编制了管片排版程序,依据工程实例进行了排版计算,得到的排版结果可以为管片设计施工提供依据。经过计算和对比分析发现,楔形量越大的管片拟合效果不一定越好,存在一个最合适的楔形量范围,而外径6.4 m、环宽1.5 m的通用楔形环管片在拟合曲线半径为350 m的线路时的最优楔形量约为28.5~35 mm。
At present,the universal wedge ring of shield tunnel is the most widely used segment form,and has the advantages of easy fabrication and strong universality.The wedge width of segments directly affects the line fitting ability and effects of the universal wedge ring segments.In order to study the design and typesetting of the universal wedge ring segments for shield tunnel,the commonly used calculation methods of the wedge width are introduced.Combined with a subway line in Guangzhou,the simple and practical design and typesetting process and algorithm of the universal wedge ring segment are put forward.Based on the algorithm,a segment typesetting program is compiled by MATLAB.The typesetting calculation is carried out according to the engineering examples.The typesetting results can provide a reference for the segment design and construction.Through calculation,comparison and analysis,it is found that the fitting effect of segments with larger wedge width is not necessarily better,and there is the most suitable wedge width range.And the optimal wedge width of universal wedge ring segments with outer diameter of 6.4 m and ring width of 1.5 m is about 28.5~35 mm when fitting the line with curve radius of 350 m.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
shield tunnel
universal wedge ring
segments typesetting
wedge width
line fitting deviation