Summary What is already known about this topic?The majority of Chinese patients with diabetes failed to achieve the level of physical activity recommended by clinical guidelines.What is added by this report?The prevalence of low-level physical activity was found to be greater in individuals diagnosed with diabetes.It was observed that patients with a protracted duration of diabetes demonstrated a propensity to participate in lower levels of physical activity compared to those with a shorter disease trajectory.The likelihood of engaging in low-level physical activity associated with diabetes was higher in rural inhabitants,those with medium-tier education,employed individuals,and individuals who had longer sleep durations.What are the implications for public health practice?Developing strategies and interventions to encourage greater involvement of Chinese diabetic patients in physical activity is essential.However,these strategies must take population characteristics into account.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(82192904,82192901,82192900)
“Precision Medicine Research”Key Project,National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFC0900500)
Kadoorie Charitable Foundation in Hong Kong of China.