

Influence of Installation and Adjustment Error of Gravitational Wave Telescope on TTL Noise
摘要 本文研究了引力波望远镜的装调误差对望远镜的TTL(tilt-to-length,角度抖动与光程读出之间的)耦合噪声的影响。保持其他参量不变,仅对引力波望远镜中的某项装调公差进行赋值,仿真分析引力波望远镜中的某项装调公差对出瞳位置变化的影响,进而计算出激光干涉信号经过全玻璃激光干涉仪最终在四象限光电探测器上进行干涉时,由于引力波望远镜的装调公差的存在导致的TTL耦合噪声的变化情况。通过对比发现,引力波望远镜的主镜与次镜的距离公差,对引力波望远镜的TTL耦合噪声的影响大于其他光学元件之间的距离公差对TTL耦合噪声的影响。主镜和次镜之间的距离公差导致的TTL耦合噪声的变化与次镜和三镜之间的距离公差、三镜和四镜之间的距离公差导致的TTL耦合噪声的变化符号相反;光阑和主镜之间的距离装调公差对TTL耦合噪声的变化影响很小,可以忽略不计。各个光学元件的距离装调公差导致的TTL耦合噪声的变化量与抖动角度之间呈抛物线规律分布。在装调空间引力波望远镜时,应着重控制主镜与次镜之间的距离误差。并且可以使用次镜和三镜之间的距离装调误差、三镜和四镜之间的距离装调误差导致的TTL耦合噪声来抵消由装调主镜和次镜之间的距离误差导致的TTL耦合噪声。 Objective The influence of the installation and adjustment error of gravitational wave telescopes on the TTL coupling noise of the telescopes is studied.Since the TTL coupling noise is the second largest noise source,during the actual engineering of gravitational wave telescopes,the installation and adjustment will affect the TTL coupling noise,with little correlation between the telescope's installation and adjustment and TTL coupling noise.Therefore,the research on the relationship between the telescope's installation and adjustment tolerance and TTL coupling noise is significant for the engineering of gravitational wave telescopes,and how the gravitational wave telescope's installation and adjustment tolerance will affect the TTL coupling noise determines whether the final gravitational wave telescope meets the requirements for use.The research results can guide the installation and installation and adjustment of gravitational wave telescopes.Methods We can judge the installation and adjustment processes of gravitational wave telescopes by simulating and designing a gravitational wave telescope that meets the requirements of the wave-front difference index,calculating the TTL coupling noise of the designed telescope,and analyzing the influence of the telescope's installation and adjustment tolerance on the TTL coupling noise.The variable of installation and adjustment tolerance is sensitive to TTL coupling noise.By controlling the variable method with other parameters unchanged,only a certain installation and adjustment tolerance is assigned in the gravitational wave telescope,and the influence of the installation and adjustment tolerance in the telescope on the change of the exit pupil position is simulated and analyzed.Then when the laser interference signal passes through the laser interferometer and finally interferes with the four-quadrant detector,the variation of TTL coupling noise due to the installation and adjustment tolerance of the telescope is calculated.The relationship between the TTL coupling n
作者 崔新旭 方超 王智 Cui Xinxu;Fang Chao;Wang Zhi(Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130033,Jilin,China;School of Fundamental Physics and Mathematical Sciences,Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hangzhou 310024,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第19期184-191,共8页 Acta Optica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(62075214) 系统一体化集成技术研究项目(E10861N2A000)。
关键词 仪器 测量与计量 引力波 干涉测量 望远镜 装调公差 instruments,measurement,and metrology gravitational wave interferometry telescope installation and adjustment tolerance
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