贵州喀斯特地区生态本底条件脆弱、生态问题频发,严重制约了区域可持续发展。构建合理的生态安全网络对保障生态环境健康、促进社会-经济可持续发展意义重大。当前针对喀斯特生态安全网络构建的研究多强调生态系统服务的最大输出,忽视了社会-生态系统的相互联系和制约关系,导致构建的生态安全网络总体效果欠佳。基于此,本文以贵州省为例,依据生态系统服务总供给、供需关系界定生态斑块,并结合景观连通性以及重要生态斑块的数量和面积识别生态源地,筛选合适指标构建生态阻力面,通过最小累积阻力模型和重力模型生成生态廊道,并选出重要的生态节点,构建区域生态安全网络;在此基础上,结合生态保护与修复规划,提出区域生态安全格局优化策略。结果显示:(1)基于生态系统服务供需和景观连通性,共识别出研究区23个生态源地,面积为3.42×10^(4) km^(2),以林草地和耕地的景观类型为主,其中大型生境斑块主要分布在研究区东南部和北部。(2)构建了31条一级生态廊道和34条二级生态廊道,廊道总长度为8.75×10^(4) km;识别出生态节点共78个,沿廊道分布于各区县。(3)为加强盲区生态建设,在西部新增五处生态源地辐射区,生态源地辐射区面积为9.37×10^(4) km^(2)。同时,根据本文研究及区域相关规划,提出了“一带两轴三区多中点”的生态安全格局优化策略。本研究可为贵州省生态保护及区域生态安全提供科学参考。
The fragile ecological background conditions and frequent ecological events in the karst areas of Guizhou province,China have challenged the regional sustainable development.Constructing a reasonable ecological security network is of great significance to ensure a healthy ecological environment and sustainable socio-economic development in the region.Unfortunately,little attention was paid by scientists in their researches to the interrelationships and reciprocal constraints between social system and ecological system in the course of building up a karst ecological security network;instead,more emphasis was placed on the output of supply potential of ecosystem service,inevitably all of which brought about a poor construction of local ecological security network.In this study,it took Guizhou province,China to conduct a case study of karst ecological security evaluation.It defined ecological patches in accordance with the relationship between total supply and supply-demand of an ecosystem service;it identified ecological sources in terms of landscape connectivity in combination with the number and area of important ecological patches;it selected suitable indicators to construct resistance surface,and generated ecological corridors by using the minimum cumulative resistance model and the gravity model;a regional ecological security network was constructed properly after its key ecological nodes was carefully chosen.In the end,this study proposed a strategy for an optimized regional ecological security layout which seriously took advantage of the regional ecological protection and restoration program to be officially issued before by local authorities.Results are listed here.(1)23 ecological sources,with an area of 3.42×104 km 2 in total,were recognized by the study based on the supply-demand of the local ecosystem service and landscape connectivity.The main types of landscapes were forest,grassland,and cultivated land,of which the macro-habitat patches were mainly distributed in the southeast and north of the study
ZENG Xinglan;CHEN Tiantian(Chongqing Key Laboratory of Surface Process and Environment Remote Sensing in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China;Field Observation and Research Station of Surface Ecological Process in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China)
Mountain Research
supply-demand of ecosystem services
landscape connectivity
ecological security network
Guizhou province