

The Handling of German Expatriates and Their Property in China by the Nationalist Government after the War of Resistance against Japanese Invasion
摘要 二战之后,为迅速根除国外势力在中国的影响,恢复战后社会秩序,国民政府基于人道主义原则,依据国际规则,对在华德侨及其财产进行了处置。国民政府德侨处置政策受国内国外双重因素影响而具有特殊性。一是充分考虑二战前后中德关系,严格依据《德侨处理办法》,严厉惩治德侨中罪大恶极者尤其是纳粹德侨,予以一般侨民不同于日侨之宽大待遇,展现了国人与生俱来的善良品格、以德报怨的博大胸怀。二是对德侨遣返及其财产处置是战后中国作为大国独立参与国际事务的尝试,国民政府期望以此为契机向世界展示独立解决国际问题的能力。然而,战后美国始终深度参与德侨遣返及其财产处置,国民政府外交政策难以摆脱美国之影响。1947年前后国民政府跟随美国步伐对德侨政策的调适,正是战后中国有“四大强国”之名而无“四大强国”之实的写照。 After World War II,the Nationalist Government started to dispose of the German expatriates and their property in China in order to diminish the influence of foreign powers and restore social order in China.Under influence of both Domestic and international factors,the policy the Nationalist government made for such disposal had some special features.On the one hand,it took into consideration the Sino-German relations before and after the war,and meted out severe punishment to those German expatriates who were pro-Naxi and who had committed crimes during the war by strictly following the“Methods for the Handling of German Expatriates”,while ordinary German expatriates were treated in ways the were more lenient than those applied on Japanese expatriates.Such treatment was a demonstration of China’s magnanimity.On the other hand,the disposal of the German expatriates and their property in China represented a pioneering effort of the Nationalist government to take part in international affairs independently.The government hoped to show to the world its capability to independently resolve international issues.However,the deep involvement of the US government in the repatriation of German expatriates and in the disposal of their property in China made it difficult for the Nationalist government to rid its foreign policy of American influence.Around 1947,the Nationalist government readjusted its policy towards German expatriates in line with the American policy.an act that shows clearly that China was only one of the“Great Four”in name,but not in fact.
作者 冯兵 FENG Bing
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期124-134,共11页 Thinking
关键词 《德侨处理办法》 国民政府 德侨 遣返 “Measures for the Handling of German Expatriates” The Nationalist Government German expatriates Repatriate
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