This paper provides an overview of South Korea’s 20-year journey in adopting building information modeling(BIM) and future direction. It first discusses the six phases of BIM adoption in South Korea, starting from the use of BIM as a marketing tool to its current intelligent BIM phase. The government’s support for BIM-related research and development projects is also highlighted, with a focus on the artificail intelligence (AI)-based architectural design automation project. As the future direction, it explores the integration of AI with BIM in both local and global contexts. The paper presents AIpowered architectural design methods, including AI-powered early architectural design generation and architectural detailing.Compared to AI-based early architectural design generation, architectural detailing is an unexplored research topic. This paper introduces two AI-and BIM-based architectural detailing methods, being developed at Yonsei University:namely,BIM library transplant and Natural language-based Architectural Detailing through Interaction with AI (NADIA). These methods demonstrate how AI-enhanced BIM can enable architects to interactively develop building details using a language model as a conversational AI and a knowledge base, and a BIM authoring tool as a design platform, in the near future.
Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture
funded by the Civil Engineering Graphics Branch of China Graphics
the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) grant funded by the Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport (Grant RS-2021-KA163269)。