

The Evolution Path and Effect of Chinese Modern Female Personality Discourse:Investigation and Analysis on the Modernization Transformation of Chinese Women over the First Half of the 20th Century
摘要 中国现代女性人格话语是建构、生成中国女性现代主体性的重要文化力量。清末现代女性人格话语萌发,它以进化逻辑和民族国家责任为粘合力,将女性同国家和社会直接对接起来。民国初年女性的伦理人格形成,它基于独立自主意识开始塑造性别平等的社会关系,奠定了女性职业化的社会文化心理基础。民国中期女性经济人格话语的强劲言说,推动女性参与社会劳动并获得了制度性权益保护。民国后期女性人格救国话语广泛传播,实现了女性个体性人格的国家主义化,有效动员了女性投身抗战救国运动。在中国共产党领导下,以马克思主义妇女解放理论为指导,女性人格权利的实现同无产阶级革命和民族解放有机统一在了一起。总之,中国女性人格话语是一个在现代中国社会具有普遍性价值的意义体系,它从封建主义、自由主义形态向马克思主义形态进行演进的历程,不仅呈现出了中国女性现代化转型的历史逻辑和路径特征,还为未来新中国男女平等的社会组织结构树立起了社会文化心理根基。 Chinese modern female personality discourse is an important cultural force to construct and generate Chinese modern female subjectivity.The modern female personality discourse emerged in the late Qing Dynasty,which connected women with the state and society directly with the logic of evolution and the responsibility of the nation state.In the early years of the Republic of China,women's ethical personality was formed,which began to shape the social relations of gender equality based on the sense of independence and autonomy,and laid the social cultural psychological foundation of women's professionalism.The strong discourse of women's economic personality in the middle period of the Republic of China promoted women's participation in social labor and gained institutional rights and interests protection.In the later period of the Republic of China,the discourse of female personality saving the country was widely spread,which realized the nationalization of female individual personality and effectively mobilized women to join the movement of Anti-Japanese War saving the country.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and guided by the Marxist theory of women's liberation,the realization of women's personality rights has been organically unified with the proletarian revolution and national liberation.In short,Chinese female personality discourse is a meaning system with universal value in modern Chinese society.Its evolution from feudalism and liberalism to Marxism not only shows the historical logic and path characteristics of Chinese women's modernization transformation,but also sets up the social cultural psychological foundation for the future social organization structure of gender equality in New China.
作者 史敏 刘永雪 SHI Min;LIU Yongxue
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2023年第6期71-80,共10页 Journal of China Women's University
基金 2023年度北京工业大学基层党建研究重点项目“新时代推动高校党建与业务工作深度融合的路径研究”(项目编号:DJ2023-A02) 北京市习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心北京工业大学研究基地的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 妇女解放 现代女性 人格话语 现代化转型 women's liberation modern women personality discourse modernization transformation
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