

Distribution dynamics of the Mainwaringia leithii(Gastropoda,Littorinidae)in the mangroves at early stage of rehabilitation
摘要 树栖腹足类动物是红树林底栖动物的重要组成部分,其组成和分布受到红树植被的影响。因此,在红树林生态修复中,腹足类动物的恢复依赖于植被的发育。滨螺科(Littorinidae)锥滨螺属(Mainwaringia)动物是亚洲红树林的广布种,但针对其在红树林中的分布及种群特征的研究较少,对红树林植被恢复过程中锥滨螺属动物的恢复动态更是鲜有研究。调查了厦门下潭尾湿地秋茄(Kandelia obovata)红树林恢复初期,新记录种莱氏锥滨螺(Mainwaringia leithii)种群恢复的时间动态,并分析其与植被参数的关系。研究发现,红树林恢复初期,秋茄植被生长迅速,株高、冠幅、基径和覆盖度分别由0.5年生幼林的41.3 cm、25.0 cm、1.04 cm和25%增长为8年生样地的179.2 cm、76.7 cm、5.96 cm和95%。在秋茄胚轴种植6个月左右开始记录到莱氏锥滨螺的个体,其密度和生物量在1.5 a后达到最大(分别为136个/m^(2)和1.86 g/m^(2)),而后逐渐降低,种植3 a后秋茄林内莱氏锥滨螺仅零星分布。除8年生的样地,莱氏锥滨螺的个体大小随恢复时间的变化特征与其密度相反,在1.5 a和2 a个体相对较小。结果表明,莱氏锥滨螺是下潭尾秋茄红树林常见的树栖软体动物,其种群快速响应红树林植被的恢复,这种恢复动态可能与植被发育过程中栖息环境的变化有关。 Arboreal gastropods comprise an important component of the mangrove benthic faunal community,and their composition and distribution patterns are affected by the characteristics of mangrove vegetation.Therefore,following the mangrove rehabilitation,the dynamic of gastropod community is strongly related to the development of vegetation.As one of the few gastropods highly associated with mangrove habitats,snail species of Mainwaringia genus belonging to the Littorinidae family are widespread in Asian mangroves.However,there are few studies on the distribution and population characteristics of Mainwaringia species in mangroves,and information of the dynamics of Mainwaringia population following mangrove rehabilitation is even scarce.In this study,we investigated the distribution and temporal dynamics of abundance of a newly recorded species,Mainwaringia leithii,in young Kandelia obovata stands in the early rehabilitation stage in Xiatanwei,Xiamen City,China.The density and abundance of M.leithii snails,and the vegetation characteristics were continuously measured since 0.5-a after plantation of K.obovata using propagules at the mudflat.The plant height,crown diameter,basal stem diameter and canopy coverage of K.obovata were 41.3 cm,25.0 cm,1.04 cm and 25%,respectively at the 0.5-a-old stand,and increased to 179.2 cm,76.7 cm,5.96 cm and 95%,respectively,at the 8-a-old stand.M.leithii individuals were found soon after the mangrove rehabilitation(i.e.,0.5 a),with respective density and biomass of 12 ind/m^(2)and 0.29 g/m^(2).The M.leithii population reached a maximum abundance at the 1.5-a-old stand,and their density and biomass were 136 ind/m^(2)and 1.86 g/m^(2),respectively.Nevertheless,the present study recorded a decrease in the abundance of M.leithii snails in the subsequent sampling campaigns,i.e.,the density decreased to 61 ind/m^(2)in the 2-a-old stand,while it was even more less,with no more than 10 ind/m^(2)at the 8-a-old stand.The shell height of M.leithii samples collected in this study ranged from 1.90 to 8
作者 陈顺洋 邢炳鹏 薛志勇 朱红晔 陈彬 俞炜炜 安文硕 陈光程 CHEN Shunyang;XING Bingpeng;XUE Zhiyong;ZHU Hongye;CHEN Bin;YU Weiwei;AN Wenshuo;CHEN Guangcheng(Third Institute of Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources,Xiamen 361005,China;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration,Ministry of Natural Resources,Xiamen 361005,China;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration,Xiamen 361005,China;Fugong Forestry Work Station,Longhai District Forestry Bureau,Zhangzhou 363104,China;College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China)
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第19期8099-8108,共10页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42176171) 自然资源部专项业务费项目-海洋湿地资源调查监测与评估 中国-东盟海洋保护地网络建设项目。
关键词 红树林 恢复时间 莱氏锥滨螺 秋茄 树栖 mangrove rehabilitation time Mainwaringia leithii Kandelia obovata arboreal
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