

Anthology,“Preserving History in Poetry”and Poems on the War of Resistance against Japan:Significance of Wen Yiduo’s Anthology of the Modern Chinese Poetry and Its Value of Criticism
摘要 闻一多生前编订的中国现代新诗选本《现代诗抄》,虽未正式出版单行本,但却是认识新诗史及其成就的一部重要选本,在现代“选学”史上也有重要的地位。首先,与其他多样的新诗选本不同,它以“以诗存史”的“正文”式选本“作为选编原则和方式”,是一部比较完整地体现新诗发展三十年变迁轨迹与面貌的诗歌选本;其次,遵循“选有事之诗”的选本原则,闻一多选出了最能体现中国现代文学启蒙、救亡主题的伟大抗战爱国诗篇,体现了其深刻的现实主义诗学思想与美学趣味;第三,它的“以诗取人”和选优为原则的文学经典意识及选编意识,不仅对现代新诗的经典化与现代新诗的传播、接受提供了诸多启示,也为现代选学及其现代选本实践提供了深刻的启发。《现代诗抄》作为闻一多“诗学实践”及诗学研究的成果,既有“选学”及选本学批评价值,也体现出闻一多对现代学术史的重要贡献。 Although the Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry compiled by Wen Yiduo has not been officially published as a single volume,it is an important anthology for understanding the history of the Modern Chinese Poetry,and thus occupies a significant place in the history of modern anthology studies.Firstly,different from diverse anthologies of the Modern Chinese Poetry,it takes“preserving history in the poetic texts”as the principle and method of compilation,fully displaying the trajectory and appearance of the three decades’Modern Chinese Poetry development.Secondly,following the principle of“selecting event-narrating poems”,he selected the patriotic poems about the War of Resistance against Japan to best express the themes of enlightenment and salvation of modern Chinese literature,which reflects his profound realistic poetic thought and aesthetic interest.Thirdly,his awareness of literary classics and anthological compilation based on his principles of“judging a poet through his poems”and“selecting the best”inspire not only the canonization,dissemination and acceptance of the Modern Chinese Poetry,but also the practice of modern anthology studies.In conclusion,as a fruit of Wen’s“practice of poetics”and poetics research,this anthology embodies the value of anthological studies and criticism,and reflects his vital contribution to modern academic history.
作者 程国君 CHENG Guo-jun(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,China)
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期151-160,共10页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 闻一多 《现代诗抄》 “以诗存史” 抗战诗篇 选本学 新诗三十年 现代学术史 Wen Yiduo Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry “preserving history in poetry” poems on the War of Resistance against Japan anthology study three decades of the Modern Chinese Poetry modern academic history
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