

The Course and Experience of the Communist Party of China in Dealing with Unqualified Party Members
摘要 始终保持党员队伍的先进性和纯洁性是马克思主义政党的优势和力量之所在。不合格党员是侵蚀马克思主义政党先进性、纯洁性和生命力的重要根源,严肃稳妥处置不合格党员则是永葆党的政治本色的重要途径和基本举措。中国共产党始终将有效处置不合格党员工作置于党的自身建设的重要位置,竭力清除可能损害党的组织纯洁性的各种消极因素。在党的百余年奋斗历程中,处置不合格党员经历了武装斗争环境下明确界定不合格党员标准和寻找有效处置办法的初步探索阶段,在全国范围内开启全面执政时期运动式处置的基本形成阶段,走上制度治党道路后的恢复发展阶段,思想建党和制度治党同向发力新格局下的全面深化阶段。坚持党的领导和群众路线相结合,加强以理想信念教育为主题主线的思想建设,坚持依规治党和制度治党协同发力,压实党支部主体责任等,则是中国共产党处置不合格党员的基本经验。 Maintaining the advancement and purity of the Party's membership at all times is the advantage and strength of a Marxist party.Unqualified Party members are the root cause of the erosion of the advancement,purity,and vitality of Marxist parties.Earnestly and prudently handling Party members who do not measure up to standards is an important way to preserve the political character of political parties.The Communist Party of China(CPC)has always placed the effective disposal of unqualified Party members at the forefront of the Party's self-construction and has made every effort to remove all negative factors that could undermine the purity of the Party's organization.In the course of the CPC's century-long struggle,the disposal of unqualified Party members has gone through four stages:the initial exploration stage of clearly defining the criteria for unqualified Party members and searching for effective ways to dispose of them in the context of armed struggle,the basic formation stage of campaign-type disposal during the period of full-scale rule at the national level,the stage of recovery and development after embarking on the path of institutionalized Party governance,and the stage of comprehensive deepening in the context of a new pattern in which ideological and institutionalized Party building and governance are working together in the same direction.Adhering to the combination of Party leadership and the Party's mass line,strengthening ideological construction with education on ideals and beliefs as the main theme,insisting on the synergistic efforts of ruling the Party in accordance with rules and regulations and ruling the Party through institutions,and pressing down the main responsibility of the Party branch are the basic experiences of the CPC in handling Party members who do not measure up to standards.
作者 唐皇凤 甘睿劼 Tang Huangfeng;Gan Ruijie(Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,Hubei,China)
机构地区 武汉大学
出处 《贵州省党校学报》 2023年第5期53-62,共10页 Journal of Guizhou Provincial Party School
关键词 中国共产党 不合格党员 组织处置 制度建设 the Communist Party of China unqualified party members organizational disposal institution building
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