

A Study of the Unique Version of Nan Jiu Gong Pu Da Quan in the Nanjing Library
摘要 南京图书馆藏有清代格律谱抄本《南九宫谱大全》,与胡介祉谱同名,系孤本,未署作者和具体年代。此前学界认为南图本乃内廷文人或伶工于康熙二十九年至五十九年间据胡介祉《随园曲谱》增订而成,今考得此本编成于康熙四十二年到乾隆十一年间,抄于乾隆至道光年间,是《九宫大成》的重要参考来源,具有较高的学术价值。将南图本与胡介祉谱和张大复《寒山堂曲谱》对照,可知南图本实与张谱关系更近,因其对“南九宫”理论的推崇及求“全”理念故与胡谱同名。此本部分曲例附有工尺谱,所加点板为昆板,保留《骷髅格》、谭儒卿谱等资料。它集前代南曲谱之精粹,其部分内容直接为《九宫大成》所继承,对探究《九宫大成》编纂始末和清中后期内廷编订曲谱理念的变化等问题有重要作用。 The Nanjing Library houses a unique copy of the Qing Dynasty drama,Nan Jiu Gong Pu Da Quan(《南九宫谱大全》).This copy,associated with Hu Jiezhi's Pu of the same name,does not have a specified author or a specific time of creation.Previously,it was believed that Nantuben was compiled by scholars or Linggong in the Inner Court during the 29th to 59th years of Kangxi,based on Hu Jiezhi's Sui Yuan Qu Pu(《随园曲谱》).However,recent findings indicate that it was compiled from the 42nd year of Kangxi to the 11th year of Qianlong.This copy holds significant academic value as an important reference source for Jiu Gong Da Cheng(《九宫大成》).By comparing Nantuben with Hu Jiezhi's Pu and Zhang Dafu's Han Shan Tang Qu Pu(《寒山堂曲谱》),it becomes evident that Nantuben is more closely related to Zhang's Pu.However,it shares the same name as Hu's Pu due to its adherence to the Nan Jiu Gong theory and the concept of completeness.The drama examples within the copy are partly accompanied by Gong Che Pu and include additions of Kunqu Dianban.It also contains data such as Ku Lou Ge(《骷髅格》) and Tan Ruqing's Pu.As a collection of the essence of the Nan Qu Pu from previous dynasties,some of its contents were directly inherited by Jiu Gong Da Cheng,thus playing a crucial role in exploring the compilation process and the shifting ideas within the imperial Court during the middle and late Qing Dynasty.
作者 钟钰婷 Zhong Yuting
出处 《中国音乐》 北大核心 2023年第5期152-160,共9页 Chinese Music
基金 2019年度国家社科基金“元明戏曲剧本形态研究”(项目编号:19CZW036) 2020年度国家社科基金冷门绝学研究专项学术团队项目“《全明戏曲》的编纂与俗文学编目整理研究”(项目编号:20VJXT006) 2021年度全国高校古籍整理研究工作委员会直接资助项目“陈金雀抄本戏曲叙录与研究”(项目编号:2110)的阶段成果。
关键词 南九宫谱大全 九宫大成 张大复 胡介祉 曲谱 Nan Jiu Gong Pu Da Quan Jiu Gong Da Cheng Zhang Dafu Hu Jiezhi Qu Pu
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