

Study on the Effect of Calcium Ion on the Flotation Behaviors of Scheelite and Its Regulation
摘要 白钨矿的表面性质和浮选行为受矿浆中钙离子影响显著。为了探究钙离子对白钨矿浮选的影响及其调控方法,在钙离子矿浆中开展了不同pH调整剂作用下的白钨矿和方解石浮选试验,并通过XRD、粒度测试、红外光谱和吸附量等测试分析机理。结果表明,在钙离子矿浆中使用碳酸钠调整pH=10时白钨矿浮选回收率仅为11.40%,与使用氢氧化钠时的浮选回收率相比降低了46.73个百分点;使用碳酸钠调节pH=9.5浮选白钨矿时,添加氟化钠后白钨矿浮选回收率由20.46%提升至76.01%。机理研究表明,钙离子矿浆中使用碳酸钠调整pH时,生成了大量的纳米碳酸钙,Pb-BHA捕收剂在其表面发生化学吸附,吸附量高于白钨矿;加入氟化钠后,纳米碳酸钙表面发生转化生成氟化钙,其表面的捕收剂吸附量明显降低。高钙矿浆中使用碳酸钠时生成的纳米碳酸钙,在浮选中与白钨矿表面竞争吸附捕收剂,使得白钨矿浮选效果变差。氟化钠可以促进纳米碳酸钙表面转化为氟化钙,降低捕收剂在纳米碳酸钙表面的吸附,从而消除其对白钨矿浮选的不利影响。 The surface properties and flotation behaviors of scheelite are affected by metal ions in the pulp.In order to in-vestigate the effect of calcium ions on scheelite flotation and its regulation methods,flotation tests of scheelite and calcite in the presence of calcium ions with different pH adjusters were carried out,and the mechanism was analyzed by XRD,particle size a-nalysis,infrared spectroscopy,and adsorption amount tests.The results showed that when the pH was adjusted to 10 by sodium carbonate in calcium ions slurry,the flotation recovery of scheelite was only 11.40%,which was 46.73 percentage points lower than the flotation recovery when sodium hydroxide was utilized.The addition of sodium fluoride boosted the flotation recovery of scheelite from 20.46%to 76.01%when pH was adjusted to 9.50 with sodium carbonate for scheelite flotation.The mechanism studies showed that when sodium carbonate was used to adjust the pH of calcium ions slurry,a large amount of calcium carbon-ate nanoparticles was generated in the slurry,and the Pb-BHA collectors chemisorbed on their surfaces with a higher adsorption amount than that of scheelite.After the addition of sodium fluoride,the nano-calcium carbonate surface was transformed to gen-erate calcium fluoride,and the adsorption amount of the collectors on its surface was significantly reduced.The nano-calcium carbonate generated when sodium carbonate was used in high-calcium ions slurry competed with scheelite surface for adsorption of collectors in flotation,which made the flotation of scheelite worse.Sodium fluoride promoted the surface conversion of calci-um carbonate nanoparticles to calcium fluoride and reduced the adsorption of collectors on their surfaces,thus eliminating their unfavorable effect on scheelite flotation.
作者 孙文娟 韩海生 邹勤 陈文胜 SUN Wenjuan;HAN Haisheng;ZOU Qin;CHEN Wensheng(School of Resource Processing and Bioengineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China;Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education for Carbon Emission Reduction in Metal Resource Exploitation and Utilization,Changsha 410083,China;Technology Research Center of Hunan Province for Comprehensive Utilization of Associated Fluorite and Fluorine Chemical Engineering,Chenzhou 423037,China;Hunan Shizhuyuan Nonferrous Metals Co.,Ltd.,Chenzhou 423037,China)
出处 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第9期90-97,共8页 Metal Mine
基金 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目(编号:52122406) “十四五”国家重点研发计划项目(编号:2022YFC2905105,2022YFC2905104) 湖南省高新技术产业科技创新引领计划项目(编号:2022GK4056) 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(编号:CX20220200)。
关键词 钙离子 碳酸钠 溶液化学 白钨矿 纳米碳酸钙 calcium ions sodium carbonate solution chemistry scheelite nano-calcium carbonate
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