随着能源的紧张和时代发展的需要,使电动自行车得到了普及,而电动自行车又以无刷直流电动机的后轮驱动为主。文章给出了以ATmega48单片机为控制核心、无刷直流电动机专用驱动芯片IR21367为驱动电路的一种设计方法,通过三相全桥逆变电路,将48 V铅酸蓄电池的直流电压逆变成交流电压,使三相定子绕组中的两相通电。安装在无刷直流电动机上的霍尔位置传感器将检测到的转子位置信息传送给单片机,单片机控制驱动电路使三相全桥逆变电路的晶闸管有选择地导通,使两相定子绕组有规律地通电,电磁相互作用使转子旋转,从而驱动电动自行车车轮旋转。文章设计的控制系统基本上实现了电动自行车所需要的功能:调速功能、辅助刹车功能、电流检测过流保护功能、电量显示功能。
With the shortage of energy and the development of the times,electric bicycles have been popularized,and electric bicycles are mainly driven by brushless DC motors for rear wheels.The article presents a design method using ATmega48 microcontroller as the control core and IR21367 as the driving circuit for brushless DC motors.Through a three-phase full bridge inverter circuit,the DC voltage of a 48 V lead-acid battery is inverted into AC voltage,enabling the two phases in the three-phase stator winding to be energized.The Hall position sensor installed on the brushless DC motor transmits the detected rotor position information to the microcontroller.The microcontroller controls the driving circuit to selectively conduct the thyristor of the three-phase full bridge inverter circuit,making the two-phase stator winding regularly energized.Electromagnetic interaction causes the rotor to rotate,thereby driving the wheels of the electric bicycle to rotate.The control system designed in the article basically achieves the functions required for electric bicycles:speed regulation function,auxiliary braking function,current detection overcurrent protection function,and battery display function.
Liu Qiang(Shenzhen Dazu Lithium Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518103,China)
Jiangsu Science and Technology Information