
中华传统美德的内涵要义和价值维度 被引量:3

The Intrinsic Essence and Value Dimensionsof Traditional Chinese Virtues
摘要 中华民族与中华传统美德之间是树根与树势、河源与河流、德本与继承者的关系。要弘扬中华传统美德,必须正确把握它的内涵,深入了解它的价值。中华传统美德是中华民族在中华大地上长期共同生活的过程中逐步建构的最有价值的道德价值理念和道德规范,代表着中华民族最优良的道德传统和中华文化的精华。它主要将儒家道德价值观和道家道德价值观融合在一起,在内容上具有双重性、辩证性特征,包括尊重传统而又与时俱进、自强不息而又戒骄戒躁、敢于伸张正义而又热爱和平、强调爱国情怀而又开放包容、坚持原则而又灵活变通等主要内容。长期受到中华传统美德的支配性影响,中华民族塑造了兼有儒家和道家特征的双重性道德人格,能进能退,能伸能屈,能扬能抑。中华民族继承和发扬中华传统美德的一个重要目的是要坚守自己的精神独立性,即展现自己作为一个独立民族在道德评价方面应有的自主性、主体性和话语权。中华传统美德为中华民族的生存和发展提供伦理价值护航,赋予中华民族不可或缺的根和魂,是中华民族最应该代代传承的精神血脉,同时也能够对整个人类的生存和发展发挥伦理价值引领作用,给当代人类反对和抵制民族中心主义、民族利己主义和文化霸权主义提供伦理支持。 The relationship between the Chinese nation and its traditional virtues is comparable to the connection between the root and growth of a tree,the source of a river and its flow,and a foundation and its inheritors.It is necessary to understand the essence of traditional Chinese virtues and have a deep appreciation of their inherent value in order to promote and uphold them.Traditional Chinese virtues represent the most cherished moral beliefs and ethical standards,which have been meticulously crafted over centuries of coexistence on the Chinese mainland.They epitomize the best moral traditions and quintessences of Chinese culture.These virtues primarily incorporate Confucian and Taoist ethical beliefs,manifesting dualism and dialectical characteristics.They include a respect for tradition while advancing with the times,an unwavering perseverance paired with humility,and a boldness in upholding justice harmonized with a love for peace.They also place a strong emphasis on patriotism,openness,and inclusivity,as well as a strict adherence to principles while demonstrating adaptability.The Chinese national character has evolved to exhibit dualistic moral qualities reflecting both Confucian and Taoist traditions,embodying resilience and adaptability as a result of these dominant virtues over time.An essential purpose of inheriting and perpetuating traditional Chinese virtues is to maintain spiritual independence,emphasizing the autonomy,agency,and discursive rights of the Chinese as a distinct nation.These virtues ethically safeguard the existence and advancement of the Chinese nation,providing it with an indispensable root and soul.They form the spiritual lifeline that should be passed down through generations.In addition,they can offer ethical guidance for humanity,providing moral support in contemporary resistance against ethnocentrism,national egoism,and cultural hegemony.
作者 向谨汝 向玉乔 XIANG Jinru;XIANG Yuqiao(School of Public Administration,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期36-44,共9页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目:中国共产党的集体道德记忆研究(19ZDA034) 湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会课题:中国共产党的道德话语创新研究(XSP2023FXC034)。
关键词 道德传统 道德人格 精神独立性 文化霸权主义 moral tradition moral character spiritual independence cultural hegemony
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