

Novalis on the Composition of Self: From Mind-body Problem to the World-soul
摘要 德国早期浪漫派作家诺瓦利斯的诗学理想背后蕴含着其在18世纪晚期观念论哲学与生理学话语影响下对自我与世界关系的考察,构想了具有灵活性与开放性的媒介化自我观。在1795年以后的哲学断片中,诺瓦利斯持续表现出对身-心系统的交互关系、对有机体应激性与易感性的探究兴致,其围绕“自我工具”与“世界灵魂”展开的思考更是彰显了浪漫派诗学强大的综合能力与生产潜能,在康德以反思功能为主导的心智观之上突出了灵魂的活力向度,强调想象力的能产性。整体来看,诺瓦利斯在普遍接触、激活与生成的范式中构建了能动的感性自我结构,在其中流动的世界整体图景可得想象,这构成浪漫派诗人回应现代社会碎片化经验的一种策略。 The poetics of Novalis,the early German Romantic author,contained an investigation into the relationship between the self and the world,much influenced by the Idealist philosophy and physiological discourses in the late 18th century.It generated a prospective view of a“mediated self”featured flexibility and open-endedness.From his philosophical fragments written since 1795,Novalis gradually developed a theoretical interest in exploring the reciprocity of the mind-body relationship as well as the irritability and sensibility of the organs.His conception of“Selbstwerkzeug”and“Weltseele”manifested an immense synthesizing and productive potential derived from the Romantic school,giving an emphasis on the vitality of the soul and the creative power of imagination in comparison with Kant’s view on human psyche,the latter of which prioritized the reflective function of the mind.Generally speaking,under the paradigm of universal contact,stimulation and generation,Novalis formulated a dynamic and sensitive self-structure which projected the world-image with fluidness;it also constituted a romanticized strategy against the fragmentary experience in modern society.
作者 李佳桐 LI Jiatong
出处 《海峡人文学刊》 2023年第3期8-19,73,156,共14页 Journal of Humanities Across the Straits
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