

A Study of Translator Behavior in Translating Mao Zedong's Poems
摘要 毛泽东诗《七律·人民解放军占领南京》铿锵有力,气势宏伟,意志坚定,颇具史诗性,是难得的佳作。该诗以古典诗歌律体形式和丰富典故记叙人民解放军占领南京这一划时代意义的事件,描南京历史之悠久和坚固若金汤,状解放军势不可挡之威武,抒发革命要彻底的信念和斗争要到底的决心。中外几个译者因对典故和字词理解的不同和对渡江战役意义认识的差别生成了不同的译者行为和势能,展现了不同的译文风格,产生不同阅读效果。究其原因,发现:译者不仅受到原诗形式和表达的限制,还受到其诗歌诗学与美学的影响。有人的节律和韵味倾向于自由体,照顾读者对中国诗词格律之陌生,有人保持毛泽东原作风姿,近似地还原毛泽东形象并表达果断指挥的气势。译者双重属性和双重角色决定其对翻译内和翻译外的选择。从译者行为社会维和译者行为语言维出发对影响译者行为的各种因素进行挖掘和考量有利于丰富翻译家研究并拓展译者行为批评理论。 “The people's Liberation Army Capturing Nanjing”written by Mao Zedong is sonorous and forceful,grand in momentum and shows the firm-mindedness.It is a rarity of epic nature.It records the epoch-making event of the people's Liberation Army capturing Nanjing in classic poetic form with many allusions,describing the long history and solidity of Nanjing,demonstrating the irresistible might of the people's Liberation Army,displaying the firm belief of revolutionary resoluteness and the determination of carrying the revolution through to the end.Due to different understanding of the allusions,words and the significance of the battle of crossing the Yangtze River,the translators at home and abroad performed different translator behavior and yielded different potential energy,displaying various styles and producing different effect.It is found that the reasons for this is that the translators were restricted by not only the poetic form of the source text and expression,but also their poetics and aesthetics.Some translators tended to be free in using prosody and rhyme,taking the readers unfamiliarity with prosody of Chinese poetry into consideration;some translators retained the original style of Mao Zedong's poems,reproducing Mao Zedong's image to the greatest extent and expressing the momentum of Mao Zedong's resolute command.The dual attributes and dual identity of translators determine their choice,within and beyond translation.This article takes consideration of the dimension of society and language,exploring and measuring the different factors that affect translator behavior so as to enrich the theory of translator behavior criticism.
作者 李正栓 张丹 LI Zheng-shuan;ZHANG Dan(School of Foreign Studies,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang 050024,China)
出处 《南京工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期14-21,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 2021年河北省高等学校英语教学改革研究与实践项目“英语专业一流课程群建设研究与实践”(2021YYJG014)。
关键词 毛泽东诗词 英译 译者行为 Mao Zedong's poems English rendering translator behavior
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