以油菜(Brassica napus L.)新品系20ZY0592(V1)、20ZY9389(V2)和品种华油杂62(V3)、华油杂9号(V4)为试验材料,设置30万株/hm^(2)(D1)、60万株/hm^(2)(D2)、90万株/hm^(2)(D3)3个密度处理的裂区试验,于越冬期、蕾薹期、盛花期、角果期对试验材料消亡指数、单株绿叶数、叶面积指数、光合速率以及成熟期农艺性状和产量等指标进行测定。结果表明,密植会导致油菜整个生长周期内消亡指数、叶面积指数的上升和单株绿叶数、光合速率的下降;在不同密度条件下,油菜的消亡指数和叶面积指数(组)、单株绿叶数和光合速率(组)之间的关系均符合组内正相关、组间负相关的规律;密植会导致根茎粗、有效分枝数、主花序有效长、单株有效角果数等指标的下降以及有效分枝部位的上升;密植在一定范围内有利于产量的提升,过大则会导致产量下降。由此可知,合理密植能够提高油菜产量,但密植在增加了叶面积指数的同时,也会导致消亡指数的上升和单株绿叶数、光合速率的下降,并造成植株个体偏细及重心上升,进而增加倒伏的风险,在油菜高密栽培过程中需重点关注。
Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)inbred lines“20ZY0592”(V1),“20ZY9389”(V2),hybrid variety“Huayouza 62”(V3)and“Huayouza 9”(V4)were used as test materials.A split-plot experiment with three densities of 3×10^(5) plants/hm^(2)(D1),6×10^(5) plants/hm^(2)(D2),and 9×10^(5) plants/hm^(2)(D3)was set up.The index of extinction,number of green leaves per plant,leaf area index,photosynthetic rate,agronomic characters and yield were measured at the overwintering period,budding period,full flowering period and silique period.The results showed that during the whole growth period of rapeseed,dense planting resulted in the increase of extinction index and leaf area index,the decrease of the number of green leaves per plant and photosynthetic rate.Under different density conditions,the extinction index and leaf area index,the number of green leaves per plant and photosynthetic rate were grouped in pairs,with positive correlation within groups and negative correlation between groups.Dense planting led to the decrease of root-stem diameter,effective branch number,effective length of main inflorescence,effective silique number per plant and the increase of effective branch position.Dense planting was beneficial to increase yield within a certain range,but led to decreased yield beyond the range.Reasonable dense planting was beneficial to increase the yield of rapeseed,but while dense planting increased the leaf area index,it would also lead to the increase of the extinction index,the decrease of the number of green leaves and photosynthetic rate of a single plant,and caused the individual plant to be thinner and center of gravity to rise,thereby increasing the risk of lodging,which needed to be paid attention to in the process of dense planting of rapeseed.
XIE Xiong-ze;XIE Jie;CHU Qian-mei;YIN Yu-feng;CHEN Fu-hua;FENG Peng(Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Xiangyang441057,Hubei,China;Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center of Niushou Town,Fancheng District,Xiangyang City,Xiangyang441034,Hubei,China)
Hubei Agricultural Sciences