Understanding controls on river planform changes can help to build predictive models for distributive fluvial systems,and then guide the oil and gas exploration.To do this we have undertaken a detailed investigation of the modern Great Halten River distributive fluvial system from the Sugan Lake Basin,Qinghai,China.Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) photography,satellite remote sensing data and elemental analysis were used to determine differences in the sedimentary characteristics of the distributive fluvial system.From the apex to the toe,the changes in the slope,river morphology,sedimentary characteristics and element content in different regions were determined and three facies belts:“proximal”,“medial” and “distal” were identified.We found that the sedimentary structure and elemental content characteristics of each facies differ greatly.We compare the large-scale evolution of rivers from braided to meandering rivers,and the fine description of sedimentary characteristics in combination with each observation,we strengthen our overall understanding of the modern DFS from macro to micro scale.At the same time,we summarize the sedimentation model of the Great Halten River DFS,and our study provides a reference for establishing the sedimentary model in continental petroliferous basins.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.41772094 and 42130813)。