L-乳酸通常采用离子交换树脂进行脱杂。间歇性的固定床操作树脂利用率低、再生剂及水耗高等劣势。本文旨在将高效的连续离子交换系统及杜邦公司的树脂AMBERLITETMFPC23UPS H及AMBERLITETMFPA55引入乳酸生产,重点研究了阳、阴树脂的杂质脱除率及处理能力,工业系统参数的调整、优化展现了连续离交树脂利用率高、出液品质稳定、收率高、成本低等优点。
L-lactic acid is purified by ion exchange resins.The intermittent operation mode of fixed bed has the disadvantages of low resin utilization rate and high consumption of regenerant and water.In this paper,an efficient continuous ion exchange system was introduced into the lactic acid purification,combined with DuPont's excellent products AMBERLITETM FPC23UPS H and AMBERLITETM FPA55.This study mainly focuses on ion removal efficiency and cycle throughput of resin,to adjust and optimize the design of CIEX industrial system,and CIEX shows the advantages of high resin utilization,stable quality of lactic acid product,high yield and lower operation cost.
Shu Yi(Rohm&Haas Electronic Materials(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai,China)
Scientific and Technological Innovation