Populations experiencing negligible predation pressure are expected to evolve higher behavioral activity.However,when sexes have different expected benefits from high activity,the adaptive shift is expected to be sex-specific.Here,we compared movement activity of one cave(lack of predation)and three adjacent surface(high and diverse predation)populations of Asellus aquaticus,a freshwater isopod known for its independent colonization of several caves across Europe.We predicted 1)higher activity in cave than in surface populations,with 2)the difference being more pronounced in males as they are known for active mate searching behavior,while females are not.Activity was assessed both in the presence and absence of light.Our results supported both predictions:movement activity was higher in the cave than in the surface populations,particularly in males.Relaxed predation pressure in the cave-adapted population is most likely the main selective factor behind increased behavioral activity,but we also showed that the extent of increase is sex-specific.
The research was supported by the joint Hungarian—Slovenian grant for international cooperation(Hungarian National Research,Development and Innovation Office(NRDIO):SNN-125627)
Slovenian Research Agency grants N1-0069 and P1-0184
NRDIO postdoctoral grant PD-132041(GeH)
and theúNKP-20-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology from the source of the NRDIO(GB).