
基于ICM20948多传感器系统的FPGA数据同步采集方法 被引量:1

FPGA Data Synchronization Acquisition Method Based on ICM20948 Multi-sensor System
摘要 针对多个ICM20948九轴传感器在采样率上存在微小差异,且无法从芯片端输入同步参考时钟进行多片同步的问题,提出一种基于ICM20948多传感器系统的FPGA数据同步采集方法。利用划分置信区间的方法实现多个ICM20948九轴传感器数据的同步采集,确保数据同步采集精度为毫秒级别。实验结果表明,多个ICM20948九轴传感器的加速度计和陀螺仪的数据同步采集精度约为10ms,磁力计的数据同步采集精度约为100 ms,验证了该方法的有效性。 A FPGA data synchronization acquisition method based on the ICM20948 multi-sensor system is proposed to address the issue of small differences in sampling rates among multiple ICM20948 nine axis sensors and the inability to input synchronous reference clocks from the chip for multi-chip synchronization.The method of dividing confidence intervals is used to achieve synchronous collection of data from multiple ICM20948 nine axis sensors,ensuring that the accuracy of data synchronous collection is at the millisecond level.The experimental results show that the data synchronization acquisition accuracy of accelerometers and gyroscopes with multiple ICM20948 nine axis sensors is about 10 ms,and the data synchronization acquisition accuracy of magnetometers is about 100 ms,verifying the effectiveness of this method.
作者 卢进 吴昌隆 柳建鑫 LU Jin;WU Changlong;LIU Jianxin(Guangdong Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing,Guangzhou 510000,China)
出处 《自动化与信息工程》 2023年第4期28-32,共5页 Automation & Information Engineering
基金 广州市科技计划项目(202201000009)。
关键词 ICM20948九轴传感器 数据同步采集 多传感器系统 现场可编程门阵列 置信区间 ICM20948 nine axis sensor synchronous data collection multi-sensor system field programmable gate array confidence interval
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