

摘要 石黑一雄的小说《别让我走》以自传回忆录形式叙述了克隆人在人类规训下作为器官宿主的生存状况。人与克隆人被人类机制强行二元切分,后者在空间、身体和话语上被他者化为“非人”,沦为被法律悬置任人宰割的赤裸生命。然而,克隆人在认清自身生存异化状况后,以阿甘本的开姿态悬置他与人类的关系,废弃了人类机制的运行。这种面对生命荒诞感时的高度自醒与人类罔顾生命和伦理的行为形成对比,解构并颠覆了人类机制下的人与“非人”区分。 Kazuo Ishiguro's novel Never Let Me Go tells in the form of autobiographic memoir the life of clones as organ producers under human discipline.According to Agamben's definition of anthropological machine,human and clone are shaped as binary oppositions,of which the latter,categorized as the nonhuman,is alienated in space,body and discourse,reduced to be a bare life at the mercy of the former.However,the clones in the novel,when they realized their alienation,employed the strategy of'the open,a concept of Agamben as well,to suspend their relationship with human beings,and thus to abolish the functioning of the anthropological machine.The strong sense of self-knowledge displayed by clones when facing the absurdity of life is contrasted with human beings'ignorance of life and ethics,which works to deconstruct and subvert the demarcation of human and nonhuman under the anthropological machine.
作者 盛小红
机构地区 上海外国语大学
出处 《复旦外国语言文学论丛》 2023年第2期31-37,共7页 Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 上海外国语大学导师学术引领项目“科幻小说中的人机生态”(2020114209)的阶段性成果 国家社会科学基金重大项目“加勒比文学史研究”[21&ZD274]的阶段性成果。
关键词 石黑一雄 《别让我走》 克隆人 人类机制 散开 Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go clone anthropological machine the open
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