酸洗水作为危险废物,其后续处理对钢铁行业的发展和环境保护都至关重要。机械酸洗废水含有大量的金属离子以及一定量的磷、氨氮和氟,需采用多级处理工艺去除,同时通过资源化利用达到有效减量化。对此,本文采取多级处理工艺碱中和+折点加氯法+化学沉淀+深度吸附(确保除氟)以及资源化处理技术(制备絮凝剂)对机械酸洗废水进行处理。结果表明,通过添加NaOH使得废水pH值达到9.8、次氯酸钠添加量为9.8 g/L、氯化钙添加量为3 g/L以及FZB添加量为6 g/L,能确保该机械酸洗废水的出水水质达标。絮凝剂在最适宜的中性条件下,COD最大去除率为65.3%,色度去除率为71.2%。结合两者,多级处理工艺可适用于大规模酸洗废水的处理,但其工艺间的优化、污水总站设计、电气自控以及成本测算等需要相关人员进行进一步的研究和思考,而资源化利用仅适用于小批量酸洗废水的减量化。
As a hazardous waste,the subsequent treatment of pickling water is crucial for the development of the steel industry and environmental protection.Due to the large amount of metal ions and a certain amount of phosphorus,ammonia nitrogen,and fl uorine in mechanical acid washing wastewater,it is necessary to use multi-stage treatment processes to remove them,and at the same time,it can be effectively reduced through resource utilization.In this regard,this article adopts a multi-stage treatment process of alkali neutralization+point chlorination+chemical precipitation+deep adsorption(to ensure fl uoride removal)and deep treatment technology(to prepare fl occulants)to treat mechanical acid washing wastewater.The results showed that by adding NaOH to the wastewater,the pH reached 9.8,the amount of sodium hypochlorite added was 9.8 g/L,the amount of calcium chloride added was 3 g/L,and FZB6 g/L,the effl uent quality of the mechanical pickling wastewater could be ensured to meet the standard.Under the most suitable neutral conditions,the maximum COD removal rate of the fl occulant was 65.3%,and the color removal rate was 71.2%,respectively.Combining the two,the multi-level treatment process can be suitable for large-scale pickling wastewater treatment,but further research and consideration are needed for the optimization of the process room,the design of the sewage main station,electrical automation,and cost estimation.However,resource utilization is only applicable to the reduction of small-scale pickling wastewater.
Zeng Longhai(Fujian Province Erythrina Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.,Quanzhou 362000,China)
Leather Manufacture and Environmental Technology
mechanical pickling wastewater
multi level processing
resource utilization