Olfaction is a primitive sense of human beings to explore and understand the surrounding environment.Smells are regional,cultural,and social.The loss of olfaction or the damage to the olfactory environment can impact human health and well-being in various aspects.In fact,olfaction loss is much more common than expected.There are many causes such as aspirational diseases like Covid-19,ageing,injuries to the brain and nose,etc.The planning and design of healthy cities should consider ways to protect olfactory health and the smell environment.Smells in ecosystems also have indispensable functions for non-human species.The impact of climate change on the smell environment and its associated impact needs to be taken more seriously.This paper suggests using the nature-based solution to rebuild the human-nature connections via olfaction,creating a restorative olfactory environment.
XIAO Jieling(The University of Sheffield;Architecture and Sensory Environment School of Architecture and Design,Birmingham City University)
World Architecture